Labour reporter put on Wasteserv’s payroll as lawyer without warrant

Wasteserv CEO attempts to mislead in Freedom of Information request and then falls silent when confronted with evidence


CEO Richard Bilocca refuses to explain how he engaged a young Labour TV reporter as a lawyer in his office before she obtained her warrant, attempting to mislead the public in the process.

In reply to The Shift’s Freedom of Information request, the politically appointed government waste management agency CEO said Pearl Agius had no contract with Wasteserv.

Agius, 24, is a Labour TV reporter and participant in Labour’s LEAD programme for women under the mentorship of Minister Miriam Dalli.

While Bilocca attempted to mislead in his reply to a Freedom of Information request for Agius’ contract with Wasteserv by saying the agency had no contract with Agius, he went silent when The Shift presented evidence of her employment.

Wasteserv’s servers show that the still-to-be-warranted ‘lawyer’ has been working in his office for some months.

Government servers show Pearl Agius has been working at Wasteserv as a lawyer for some months.

Internal sources also confirmed Agius has been representing Wasteserv for months without a warrant.

What really happened

Bilocca recruited Pearl Agius as the government’s waste management agency’s in-house lawyer before she even obtained her warrant, without a call and directly through the offices of the minister responsible for the agency – Miriam Dalli.

Agius’ direct recruitment before she was a warranted lawyer deprived other law graduates of a chance to apply for the role.

Agius is a member of the Labour Party’s youth executive and has been an active participant since she was 18. She also joined Labour’s women’s programme, LEAD, under the direct mentorship of the minister responsible for the agency that recruited her.

The Shift is also informed that Agius was given another public appointment, accompanied by a generous honorarium, to act as board secretary for the Commission on Gender-Based Violence and Domestic Violence last October.

Meanwhile, Agius continues to report for Labour TV, a role she has held since 2017.

Wasteserv in the dump

Wasteserv officials have been complaining for months about how the agency is managed. It has faced a stream of resignations as a result of mismanagement.

Several of the agency’s architects and engineers have left the agency, and, according to internal sources, resignations occur weekly.

Employees describe the current management style as a “dictatorship” in which those who do not toe the line are quickly marginalised.

Despite complaints, Minister Miriam Dalli seems to be protecting Bilocca.

Wasteserv is adjudicating one of the largest ever public tenders, a new incinerator worth some €500 million.

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1 year ago

Not qualified for the job? Normal MLP practice, no?

1 year ago
Reply to  wenzu

basta it tessera

1 year ago

Sounds about right, looks to be on par for a Tuesday scandal. “Wasteserv” is really an appropriate name for this incompetent cabal who are also heavily involved in rubbish.

Out of Curiosity
Out of Curiosity
1 year ago

No more shame from this clique in Government. And what happens to those who give false interpretation of facts when providing information to an FOI request?

Godfrey Leone Ganado
Godfrey Leone Ganado
1 year ago

Miriam Dalli who is considered by Labour to be a budding political star, seems to be developing more into a bud of the Joseph Muscat/Robert Abela hybrid continuity crooked tree.

1 year ago

They all came through the Super One Labour Party Apprenticeship scheme.
They all signed their due Non Disclosure Agreement with the Labour Party , declaring loyalty to the Party and NOT the Constitution of Malta. All trained to smile while screwing their neighbor.

Toni Borg
Toni Borg
1 year ago

even Miriam Dalli is now pigging out!

Joe l ghasfur
Joe l ghasfur
1 year ago

Xejn ma sirna nihdu bi kbir ghax tisma kaz u tinsa iehor. Kollox ghal tal klikka u ahna citadini komuni biex tiehu xi haga li hi dritt tieghek qisek qed titlob l karita. Caf caf papru,,

1 year ago
Reply to  Joe l ghasfur

l iktar tragedja hi li iz zaghzagh ma ghandhomx cans ghax kollox ghall hbiebhom tal qalba.

Maria Scicluna
Maria Scicluna
1 year ago
Reply to  Joe l ghasfur

Tinsa min qallek li tinsa. Hnizrijiet biss.

1 year ago

Miriam Dalli, being incompetent, feels at ease being surrounded by people no yet graduated or without a warrant. No surprise we end up with 100 million euro termination clause. The bar should refuse such candidate.
A good evidence that “Women against violence” or alike is just a way for leftist activists to create jobs and burn tax payers money.
From tax paid journalist to elected MEP studying Law, to having a job she cannot obvioulsy undertake…Another politician that is just there to pig out. She should resign.

Last edited 1 year ago by robert
1 year ago

Il-Hnzrijiet ikomplu.
M’hemmx limiti ghal dan it thanzir.
Hanzir taqtalu dembu Hanzir Jibqa’

1 year ago

The so-called ‘greening’ policy is really Just Another Scam – money to be skimmed and thrown to the swine.

1 year ago

Another ‘hanzir’ .how many more?

Francis Said
Francis Said
1 year ago

I sure that the PL government will find hundreds of pigs to guzzle taxpayers’ funds.😠

1 year ago
Reply to  Francis Said

There are €8000 million to be accounted for. Nobody knows where these went. Not even Scicluna knew, apparently. Then Caruana came along and gave us the nice surprise.

1 year ago

issa ghandna il prim korott u il prim hanzir. xjonqos. serq fwiccna donnhom biex jinkuna.

1 year ago

Miriam tipprova tippreżenta lilha nnifisha bhala l-wicc tas-serjetà fil-partit imma apparti li m’ghandhiex farka idea x’ghandu jsir fis-settur tal-energija u qas taf fejn se taghti rasha bil-problemi li hemm… issa ghandna iswed fuq l-abjad li qed tippermetti tahwid kbir. Tahwid guaranteed.

Albert Micallef
Albert Micallef
1 year ago

There is exactly the same situation at the State Advocate.

1 year ago

This will become Malta’s Cancer Factory because of the incompetence of these political appointees and the position where the incinerator is being installed. Right in the Middle of Malta. The council down wind of Maghtab right up to Delimara will be facing carcinogenic gases . That is 80% of the population. The minister will be held personally responsible for this decision.

1 year ago

I voted PL in 2013. Today I am disgusted by all the dirt and frauds that crop up every single day.
The sense of impunity has made them forget totally ethics, even rules. They just do whatever they want without even considering them might need to justify their actions..this is a typical clear case

Ver ver
Ver ver
1 year ago

For nurses there is no money, for these fraudsters it is an unlimited pool. Disgraceful.

1 year ago

Taghna wkoll garbage working in a garbage plant

1 year ago

The Scheme is a simple one…all Maltese citizens pay their taxes to finance the selected few PL acolytes.

1 year ago

It is a CRIME to act as a lawyer when without a warrant.
Where is the Chamber of Lawyers? Where is the AG, where is the Minister of Justice ?
All of these are becoming the laughing stock of Local and International Institutions.

The non warranted self declared lawyer should be black listed for the crime itself.

Any self proclaimed Prime Minister around?
Any Self Proclaimed Surgeon around?
Any self proclaimed Dentist around?
Not even self proclaimed idiots , because even this is an award for graduate gahans.

But we do have self proclaimed lawyers around , apparently.

Well , is this what EZL wanted to do in his skewed up law about practicing and non practicing lawyers? Preparing the ground for such baby lawyers being employed in government jobs?

1 year ago

The number of ‘scientists’ in this entity without a single A level in a science subject should tell all.

1 year ago

Reading about these excesses that are revealed on a near hourly basis, can anybody blame the nurses for refusing to knuckle down to this corrupt government?

1 year ago

The trough for the piggies is growing and will soon cover thr whole island

1 year ago


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