Abela reveals another perk for the Muscats… a car for Michelle

Prime Minister Robert Abela has admitted another perk he has given to his predecessor as part of the secret severance package arranged for disgraced former Prime Minister Joseph Muscat.

This time, following questions raised in parliament by PN MP Claudette Buttigieg, Abela conceded that Michelle Muscat was given the use of a fully expensed car, bought and funded by the government.

Michelle has had no role in public administration except for being the wife of a prime minister still hounded by corruption allegations over deals selling State assets and services.

While Abela avoided answering all the questions surrounding this latest abuse by the Muscats, he insisted that Michelle Muscat’s car was “part of the severance package” given to his predecessor in December 2019.

He refused to say what type of car Michelle Muscat uses and whether taxpayers are also funding its running costs, including fuel and maintenance.

He did say she has no full-time driver to chauffer her around in the government’s car. Yet, sources who spoke to The Shift said this was done by “employees who act as her servants” at the Marigold Foundation.

It was The Shift that revealed the severance package taxpayers had been forced to give the disgraced former prime minister.

Yet questions on why taxpayers are still funding the wife of the disgraced former prime minister – funds she is not entitled to receive as she had no role in government – have always been ignored.

Robert Abela, through the Office of the Prime Minister, is refusing to make this agreement public, saying there is no such formal written agreement in place.

While Abela continues to hide what he has agreed to hand to his predecessor, The Shift has already revealed several perks forming part of this package.

The first was a €120,000 golden handshake which Muscat was given just a few weeks before his forced departure as part of the so-called terminal benefits.

His handshake was much higher than those awarded to other former prime ministers, and the government has refused to explain how it was calculated.

Another part of the package was revealed by The Shift last year when it resulted that Muscat was squatting a former Transport Malta building in Sa Maison to conduct his private consultancy business, including to property contractors and developers and service providers at the centre of corrupt deals sealed by those closest to him while he was at the helm.

The office, with views of the harbour, was refurbished and equipped by public funds, and Muscat is paying nothing for its lease.

“He is just tolerated to use this office,” Abela said.

Since all the perks given to Muscat were never divulged, it is unknown whether this so-called unique severance package contains more perks for the disgraced Muscat family.

No other former prime minister in Malta’s history has been given the perks dished out to the Muscats.

Joseph and Michelle Muscat lobbied for Robert Abela to win the leadership of the Labour Party despite deputy leader Chris Fearne leading the polls.

The “devil’s deal” struck between the Abelas and the Muscats continues to raise concerns about Abela’s ability to protect the nation’s interests on deals such as that relating to hospitals that the Court recently ruled was “fraudulent and corrupt” that was sealed and delivered by Muscat.

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Mariatheresa Micallef
Mariatheresa Micallef
1 year ago

‘….funded by the Government’. Tghid mhux hekk. Funded by us mela by the Government!

1 year ago

If he evicts The “Kink” he will be evicted himself. Soon the mirror is going to break and he will be revealed as the emasculated, gender neutral inept puppet that he really is.

saviour mamo
saviour mamo
1 year ago

U din Michelle Muscat x’taħseb li hi?

1 year ago

Mhux idejh biss ghandu marbutin imma anki s@@@u mikxuf.

Mark Vassallo
Mark Vassallo
1 year ago

If these perks are not documented, then the Prime Minister can simply keep making them up as he goes along.

1 year ago
Reply to  Mark Vassallo

I am sure that he is not making them up. He is keeping the list under wraps as much as possible so not to be seen as the Muscat main slave and imbecile. Joseph Muscat showed our PM how to abuse his position when he put him as PM and the capo of the now de facto Labour party.

Albert Beliard
Albert Beliard
1 year ago
Reply to  Mark Vassallo

Slipping in a car here and there for ‘friends of friends’ is not a problem with the massive amount of money laundering which is occurring by this grand conspiracy within the government

Beep, Beep and no red lights.

1 year ago
Reply to  Mark Vassallo

Exactly. That is how the labour corrupt barons of today are treated by their clique.
So, we can never know what was agreed in 2019 and due to this verbal agreement, PM spongebob can add, anytime, other perks for this scum couple like foreign travel and accommodation allowances,  foreign educational expenses for their kids, private insurance cover, new car exchange, etc.etc.
Well as the saying goes, birds of a feather flock together and the ignorant loyal gahans just look up at their socialist elite, who don’t give a damn about about keeping them under their thumb. Duminku keep turning in your grave.

1 year ago

The trough just keeps giving and her being a fraud will keep taking

Adrian Galea
Adrian Galea
1 year ago

…there is nothing formally written down by way of agreement….
Would Dr Abela conduct his private business like this? Would he advise his clients to rely on verbal agreenents?
As far as i am concerned, not written down, doesnt exist and should be terminated as soon as it becones possible.

Last edited 1 year ago by Adrian Galea
Winston Psaila
Winston Psaila
1 year ago

Well she did say they would be making hay while the sun still shone. It seems like that sun will never set.
Our complacency, however, seems to be no less than their greed nor that of their corrupt deals so one would be inclined to say that we’re getting no less than we deserve.
Did somebody say: ‘JIXIRQILNA AHJAR!’?

1 year ago

Seems Bob is much more conservative than most conservatives!

N Scerri
N Scerri
1 year ago

Ahjar minn Prim qieghed mela.Imissu jisthi Abela.Protesti u strikes kuljum kontra din il hela sfaccata hemm bzonn.Qabel ifallu pajjiz.

Francis Said
Francis Said
1 year ago

To put it as politely as possible
Dr. Robert Abela’s family jewels are being squeezed by Joseph Muscat.

1 year ago
Reply to  Francis Said

Dont’t forget that bob was the consultant of the most corrupt pm Malta ever had.

Godfrey Leone Ganado
Godfrey Leone Ganado
1 year ago

1.If there is no formal agreement signed by both parties, that is Robert Abela and Michelle Muscat, the asset belongs to the State.
2. If this agreement was not endorsed by the Minister of Finance, it is a fraudulent transaction.
3. Does Michelle Muscat/Joseph Muscat have the right to buy the car personally after a number of years at written down value, and still have the right to another new car? This could be a way to pass on an expensive vehicle at a cheap price to their children. This right should be included in the agreement.
4. Is Joseph and/or Michelle Muscat declaring the market rental value in their tax return, to include all related expenses?
The value of chauffer services rendered to Michelle Muscat, has also to be declared in the tax return.
5. It is important to note that with this benefit, the family Muscat are
by definition, considered to be politically exposed persons and accountable to the public.
Whilst commenting on this, I might as well ask:
Is Joseph Muscat declaring the market value of the office premises in his income tax return?

Last edited 1 year ago by Godfrey Leone Ganado
1 year ago

JAQQ ta nies. Jew greedy pigs or super thieves.

1 year ago

Muscat STILL pulling Abela’s strings.

1 year ago

Malta L’aqwa-Zmien 2013 PL-mantra.

Albert Beliard
Albert Beliard
1 year ago

It cannot be taken for granted that this lovely and expensive vehicle for Michelle Muscat as a perk (which matches the colour of her black dress and one of her expensive handbags), was paid for by taxpayers’ money, instead the money coming from funds that have been cleaned, waxed and detailed by a professional ‘car-wash’ of the government, which can be explained later.

1 year ago

This is called taking care of his interest and his barbie doll frozen face too.
Will the Abela’s make the same requests before leaving office. Yes they will!!!

As to Muscat return back our stolen money!!

Godfrey Leone Ganado
Godfrey Leone Ganado
1 year ago

If Michelle Muscat is using any employees of the Marigold Foundation as her chauffer, unless she is paying the equivalent chauffering rates into the foundation, she is defrauding the Foundation of funds contributed to achieve its charitable objectives, and in the process also misusing/mismanageing the funds entrusted by the donors. This can also be considered as fraudulent use of the funds.
This Foundation is highly suspect until it is proved otherwise with the publication of its audited accounts, which have not been published since its inception.
Is this another activity of yet another crook?

1 year ago

Everyone has been asking. Where are the audited accounts of Marigold? It’s against the law not to publish them.

Alfred Vella
Alfred Vella
1 year ago

Can somebody remind this blonde that she was never somebody. Thank you.

1 year ago

There’s no let up in their greed, more protests please!

1 year ago

🛑To quote Michelle herself “we’re making hay whilst the sun shines”!

Carmelo Borg
Carmelo Borg
1 year ago

U ma tarax lil Abela se jitfa lil muscat il habs. Ghalija it tfixxija li saritlu kienet kolla messainxena. Dak inhar meta marru il pulizija ghamlitihom toast u cafe u qadu iccacraw u jitnejku bin NIES. Mafia state

1 year ago
Reply to  Carmelo Borg

Mhux is-Sinjura ghamlitilhom it-toast u te, imma s-sefturi li ghandha jahdmu fid-dar. Dawk min qed ihallashom? l-Istat ukoll?

Paul Pullicino
Paul Pullicino
1 year ago

This is theft. There is no law, there is no contract or precedent to justify the cost. Is this capped or is this for her lifetime?

Carmelo Borg
Carmelo Borg
1 year ago

Nispera li BOBBY ma halsiliex biex tnehhi it tikmiex ukoll. Gfara vera nies MEJTIN BIL GUH. JERDAW JERDAW MIN FLUS IL POPLU BISS JAFU .MAFIA SHIHA U BIL PROVI. CAPCAP GAHAN MEQ MEQ

Joseph Sciberras
Joseph Sciberras
1 year ago


1 year ago

That’s exactly what needs to happen – a revolt.

1 year ago

Qed tipredentu li Abela ser jihu xi azzjoni fuq Muscat jew il klikka tieghu. Lanqas din il famuza europa li tant niftahru bija ma titkellem fuq dawn il hnizrijiet. Tahsbu intom li xi hadd minhom ser jerfa tikka responsabilta
Dan il pajjiz ma ghadux jismu Malta izda sar il gzira ta Gotham. Rajtuh il film Batman hekk saret din il gzira ghaziza taghna li suppost ma jksbara hadd.

1 year ago

What is astonishing in this story is that the Muscat were already busted with “La Maison” given for free. Any normal politician, knowing he’s under public scrutiny, would have played it down. Not the Muscat. As if there was absolutely no potential consequences.
It simply shows that the Muscat believe they have an immunity priviledge.

1 year ago

The last paragraph says it all and in my interpretation, PM Abela has shown time and again whose interests he is protecting, not quite what the average Maltese citizen would expect, I suppose.

Joseph Muscat is ‘tolerated’ to use this office at Sa Maison, says the PM and his predecessor gets it all for free. Well, tolerance has, in its very nature of the word, a very different meaning in contrast to what the PM likes to make the people believe.

They really take all the Maltese for fools.

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