Police Commissioner will not explain drug trafficker’s security guard licence

Police Commissioner Angelo Gafa is refusing to explain how a former footballer imprisoned in Tunisia in 2010 after being caught with 50kg of cannabis resin was given a police licence to work as a private security guard.

A spokesman for the Commissioner cited data protection laws and declined to give any details when asked to explain how Tano Farrugia – convicted of drug trafficking and sentenced to 20 years imprisonment – was given a private security guard licence, which requires a clean police conduct.

When The Shift insisted the Commissioner explains the matter, which is in the public interest as it may show a lack of due diligence by the corps when issuing such licences, Gafa only stated that the information would be investigated.

Farrugia was sent down for a 20-year stretch in a Tunisian prison in 2010 but returned to Malta in 2013 as a free man after a new Tunisian President gave an amnesty to some 300 convicts in celebration of the country’s Arab Spring uprising.

Pictures posted on social media by Farrugia himself and passed on to The Shift for investigation show him in a uniform belonging to CAMC Security Ltd, a private security firm with offices in Gzira.

While calling himself the company’s chief security officer, Farrugia has also been seen on television accompanying the company’s managing director Catalin Azzopardi while giving a donation to the Puttinu Cares charity.

Asked to explain how Farrugia was working as a security officer despite his criminal record, the company employing him at first tried to play it down by explaining all the company’s guards are covered by a licence issued by the Police Commissioner.

But when confronted about Farrugia’s criminal record, Azzopardi insisted that Farrugia was not employed with the company.

The Shift then sent pictures to Catalin Azzopardi showing Farrugia accompanying him during the television broadcast and asked for an explanation.

Tano Farrugia wearing the company’s uniform during a public appearance by CAMC Security.

After the image was sent to Azzopardi, no other answers were received.

By law, any individual performing security services, even when engaged with security firms, must have a private guard licence issued by the Police Commissioner.

The process is supposed to involve a thorough screening process to ensure licences are not awarded to anyone with a criminal record.

This case raises questions about the lack of background checks by the police.  It was only last year that Farrugia was involved in a widely-reported trial by jury.

Farrugia was the prosecution’s main witness against his associate in the failed 2010 drug trafficking operation – 52-year-old Egyptian national Ahmed el Fadalli Enan, who resided in Fgura and had been living in Malta for 29 years.

Enan was found guilty and sentenced to 25 years in prison after being found guilty of conspiring, along with Farrugia, to import the 50kg of cannabis resin into Malta.

Azzopardi had told the court that when he was apprehended by the Tunisian police, Enan was using him as a drug courier.

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simon oosterman
simon oosterman
2 years ago

Gafa does not have to explain because he knows that we know: Intentional incompetence.

2 years ago

When will this commissioner be kicked out!?

Mario Galea
Mario Galea
2 years ago

Impunity is injustice to the righteous. Rewarding the wrong is not forgiveness.

2 years ago

The perfect Labour/omertà police commissioner, keeping the chair warm to pay off his mortgage – probably with a 6 figure consultancy further down the line to keep its trap shut.
A first class scumbag.

Jools Seizure
Jools Seizure
2 years ago

I thought his predecessors were bad. This guy is writing new chapters.

2 years ago

Gafa will be taken to the courts in due time. He will have to answer.
Sleep well.

2 years ago

ġenwinament kont nahseb li Pullicin u Cutajar huma l-agħar kummissarji tal-Korp… imma issa qed nirrealizza li l-kummissarju Gafà qed imiss qiegħ gravi agħar minn ta’ qablu. Il-kriminali qed jogħrku idejhom.

2 years ago

This Commissioner is in cahoots with criminals, or is it higher powers that are ordering him to behave like an ass , or else. The Bomb that Killed Daphne us still resounding in the offices of those close to the government who try and change their allegiance to the Labour Dictatorship. The other tool use to keep persons in authority subservient is BLACKMAIL,and anything goes , from VAT to love affairs to crooked business deals . Hell is the limit to which this government will descend to.

So Abela discusses cases with the Court Magistrates? The Kamra ta l-Avukati should remove his warrant.

2 years ago

The squalid copper has to go down!

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