Junior minister takes family on holiday to Sicily, with his ministerial car

Parliamentary Secretary for EU Funds Chris Bonett, who until a few years ago was a member of UEFA’s ethics committee, has taken his family for a short weekend break to Sicily.

But instead of using his personal car to travel abroad, he decided to instead use his official government-leased BMW for what was a private holiday and not official government business.

The Shift is reliably informed that Bonett, one of the newest members of Robert Abela’s Cabinet, took the car to Sicily, together with his wife and two children, guzzling fuel along the way, for which taxpayers have most likely paid.

It is unclear whether the ministerial car’s ferry fare was also paid for by the state.

Pictures sent to The Shift by readers show Bonett’s ministerial car, in discreet mode without its GM (Government of Malta) number plates, queuing in Pozzallo last Monday while waiting for the catamaran to return to back to Malta.

Bonett and his family were inside the car, with the junior minister behind the wheel.

The ministerial car driven by Bonett waiting to board the catamaran in Pozzallo last Monday.

Upon their appointment, Cabinet members are given an official car and a driver that are to be used for official duties. Until a few years ago, they were not supposed to use their official cars for private purposes, although these rules have been ignored by members of both Labour and Nationalist Cabinets.

But this is the first time a Cabinet member has been seen using his official ministerial car to travel abroad on a family holiday.  It is not yet known whether this was in line with Cabinet rules or, otherwise, who authorised Bonett to take a family holiday with the government footing at least part of the bill.

Questions sent to the Parliamentary Secretary asking whether he felt is was ethical to use publicly-funded resources to take his family on holiday were not replied to.

The Shift also asked Bonett to declare who paid for the vehicle’s fuel while abroad on holiday and for the ministerial car’s catamaran tickets.

Bonnet, who, before entering the political fray, was an employee at the Malta Football Association (MFA) and later at UEFA, returned to Malta after a short stint in Geneva as a member of the European football association’s ethics committee.

He was given various lucrative government contracts on a position of trust basis, and he unsuccessfully contested the MFA’s presidency and lost out to Bjorn Vassallo even though Bonett had been supported by the Labour administration, including disgraced former prime minister Joseph Muscat and then-MP Robert Abela.

While serving as SportMalta chief executive officer, Bonnet had overseen a record of direct orders worth a total of close to €14 million that were awarded for the construction of a new government shooting range in Ta’ Kandja, which is now already in ruins.

Bonett recently took issue with tongue-in-cheek comments made by the Opposition over his declaration of assets in which he stated that he owns no property, not even his own residence.

Reacting to a number of sarcastic political comments – such as questions about whether he was receiving social accommodation benefits – Bonnet took to social media to lambast his critics over their “insensitivity towards the homeless or those who cannot afford to buy their home”.

Chris Bonnet making a commotion about his rented home and stating that he takes no lessons in transparency

Boasting about his humble background from a working-class family, he declared he lives in a rented apartment in Marsascala since his circumstances “did not permit me yet to buy a home for my family”.

It is not yet known whether Prime Minster Abela will be taking issue with Bonnet over a possible breach of ethics by using his ministerial car for a holiday. According to the code of ethics, “Once Ministers administer public property, on behalf of the public in general, they shall exercise the highest level of diligence including in the expenditure of public funds, and they shall also work diligently and hard in the performance of their duties.”

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2 years ago

Tal ghageb dawn in nies.
Hallasna ghall petrol ukoll probabbli!
Tiftakru l inkjesta li kienet saret RI Simon Busuttil u x xufier tieghu!

A. Fan
A. Fan
2 years ago

Who better to appoint Parliamentary Secretary for EU Funds than a morally devoid individual who cannot even tell the diffrrence between his own car and one provided by the Maltese taxpayers for his official government business. Perfect allegory for the misguided Maltese approach to EU funds. Hungary will not be the last one to be spanked by Brussels.

Toni Borg
Toni Borg
2 years ago

persuna ohra korrotta u arroganti li tahseb li la darba lehqet fil poter hadd ma jista ghaliha!


Last edited 2 years ago by Toni Borg
2 years ago

Nies mejtin bil-guh. Imgewhin.

2 years ago

Even a GoV giving luxury cars such as BMW is not so commun.

2 years ago

Evidendtly a major requirement to be a part of Abela’s government is moral bankruptcy.

Francis Said
Francis Said
2 years ago

And his driver was left in Malta? That’s socialism!
What a farce of parliamentarian’s ethics!!!

2 years ago

I am not surprised at all.
Finance Minister has set the standard.
Paying 100million in tax payers money Air Malta employees in Golden Handshakes and indefinite jobs with the Government.
You set the pace Minister the system collapse shall follow!!!

Carmelo Borg
2 years ago

Ghalhekk miskin billi jghix fil kera ma kellux biex ihallas karozza tal kiri min sqallija. CAP CAP GAHAN MEQ MEQ

Paul Sullivan
Paul Sullivan
2 years ago

X’differenza – The UK Home Secretary had resigned cos she sent an official document from her personal email.

Last edited 2 years ago by Paul Sullivan
N Scerri
N Scerri
2 years ago

Mejtin bil guh.

2 years ago

Mejtin bil-guh!

2 years ago

What a waste of voters votes!

2 years ago

Are these cars even insured when not used on government business, even more so for use outside the Maltese islands ?

2 years ago

His Royal Highness!! Bilmod !!!! x’hela ta voti / karti / sigar u fuel biex tmur tivvota.

Last edited 2 years ago by J.S

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