Silvio Scerri set to replace sacked Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando at MCST

Silvio Scerri, the former chief of staff of former home affairs minister Manuel Mallia is set to take over the reins of the Malta Council for Science and Technology (MCST) after the government sacked long-time serving chairman Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, a former PN MP turned Labour.

Sources at the education ministry told The Shift that Scerri’s appointment was approved by Prime Minster Robert Abela after a decision to sack Pullicino Orlando was communicated earlier this week.

It is unclear why the prime minister chose to send Pullicino Orlando home, even though he is expected to be offered another minor role as a sweetener.

MCST has a multi-million-euro budget and is responsible for the state-of-the-art Esplora visitors centre, built with millions of EU funds.

Sources confirmed that Scerri is set to replace him as was Education Minister Clifton Grima’s chief ‘canvasser’ in the Msida district, helping him acquire most of Manuel Mallia’s ‘lost’ votes.

The sources also said that the PM decided to move Scerri as his relations with Energy Minister Miriam Dalli turned sour.

Scerri has been at the helm of ARMS, the government entity responsible for utility bills, for the last four years.

Scerri played a leading role in the early days of a Labour government when the AFM was taken over by Labour through an accelerated four consecutive record promotions to Brigadier Jeffrey Curmi and his Deputy Mark Mallia. The duo left the army after the last general elections to take over lucrative CEO posts at Transport Malta and Identity Malta.

The Times had reported how Pullicino Orlando, despite being given a €60,000 full-time salary, was rarely present at MCST and instead spent his time working at his private dental clinic in Żebbuġ.

He was closest to disgraced former prime minister Joseph Muscat who welcomed him with open arms when he shifted his allegiance.

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2 years ago

Wow, caporegime to consigliere, he also knows where a lot of the bodies lie, luckily now he has his head above the parapet he will also be a prime target and shouldn’t last too long

Henry Pacewilderness
Henry Pacewilderness
2 years ago

Musucal chairs all around

2 years ago

nibdlu turncoat ma troll mill-muvument korrott.

2 years ago

Kemm ghandu kwalifiki dan Scerri?

2 years ago

Gakbin tal-poplu ta’rieda tajba.

saviour mamo
saviour mamo
2 years ago

No one will miss him. He can save the farewell cake.

2 years ago

Il-kanvażer jirnexxi u l-kwalifikat jindanna

Out of Curiosity
Out of Curiosity
2 years ago

Dan Scerri kien ic chief of staff li dahhal gol hajt lil Manwel Mallia meta kien ministru, billi ghabbieh b’nies li spiccaw sparaw fil pubbliku. Fil passat Scerri kien ukoll klijent tal istess Mallia, u l legam bejniethom nibet propju minn hemm. Tal inqas qed nippretendi li din il persuna hija kwalifikata biex tilbes dan iz zarbun.

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