Gozo minister’s cousin files development application for a ‘garage’ in pristine Ramla valley

The cousin of Gozo minister Clint Camilleri, Ronnie Camilleri, has filed a planning application to build a ‘garage’ on a pristine plot of garigue land in Nadur with views of Ramla valley.

Ronnie Camilleri, who also serves as the Gozo minister’s personal driver, filed the application (PA/4468/22) in June. The application is currently being assessed by one of the PA’s case officers and is awaiting a recommendation.

The site, which is in Triq ta’ Ħida, would take up around 200sqm of land. Curiously, the design of the building includes several aluminium apertures on one of its sides, a fact that was not missed by over a hundred objectors who are calling on the Planning Authority (PA) to refuse the application.

Multiple objections to Camilleri’s application specifically refer to it as “a dwelling in disguise”, with at least two eNGOs, Għawdix and Moviment Graffitti, filing their objections and calling on others to do the same.

Both of the NGOs objected to the development on this basis as well as the fact that the site is in an Outside Development Zone (ODZ) and lies on the ridge of the Ramla l-Ħamra valley, breaching policies within the Gozo local plan.

Others, many of whom are residents in the area, were much curter with their objections, with one objector in particular simply stating “stop ruining Gozo”.

Bigeni, the architect for the project, has a history of similar applications filed in rural and/or agricultural areas. Bigeni first popped up on The Shift’s radar after filing a significant amount of applications which were linked to Gozitan developer Joseph Portelli or his business associates. The architect is related to the Gozo minister by marriage.

In February, The Shift had reported how this newsroom tracked at least five separate planning applications in Gozo in which he was the designated architect for various different kinds of ‘farming’ structures on ODZ land which elicited similar accusations of buildings which would not be used for their stated purpose.

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2 years ago

They are laughing at us. Typical mafiosi.

2 years ago

Ifhem, li jahdmu u jhaddmu qraba taghhom, din Mhux l-ewwel darba. Carmelo Abela kellu lit-tifla ta’ Oht il-mara tieghu tahdem mieghu fil-Ministeru tal-Intern kif ukoll hadha mieghu meta mar Ministru tal-Foreign kif ukoll meta kien Ministru Kastilja biex jiehu hsieb il-Manifest Elettorali. Barra min hekk heqqqqqq missierha kien u ghadu Ambaxxatur bhalissa f’Ruma u dan ex-Brigadier tal-Armata li ma nafx kemm hu suppost lanqas. Jigifieri li Clint ghandu lil kugin bhala xufier heqqqqqq!!!!!!
U korruzzjonijiet bhal dawn mhuma se jispiccaw qatt jekk mhux se jkun hemm serjeta’ f’dawn id-dipartimenti. Issa, jekk m’hemmx u mhux juri serjeta’ il-Prim Ministru, kif tistghu tippretendu li dawn id-dipartimenti jkunu sew? Jew kif tippretendu li l-Ministri jkunu sew? Ma jistax ikun meta hemm gheruq hziena, u dawn ghazluhom il-poplu fuq kollox.

Out of Curiosity
Out of Curiosity
2 years ago
Reply to  Carmen

Sfortunatament il poplu jippurtah ftit minn governanza tajba, u jippurtah hafna mill but, minghajr mhu qieghed jinduna li l governanza hazina twassal biex il but jintmiss ukoll. Fid dinja hawn prezz ghal kollox u meta l-abbuz jizdied bla razan u jsir norma, it telf li jgib mieghu ikun wiehed li jibda jhossu kulhadd u meta n-nies jibdew ihossu dan l-eku tal-korruzzjoni isir wiehed qawwi hafna.

2 years ago
Reply to  Carmen

Issemmiex lil prim ministru biex jaghmel bidla! Dak qieghed hemm ghal but u kollha l istess! L poplu rieqed li ma hu qed jaghmel xejn hu l problema! Imma l poplu llupjawh, gabuh fejn riedu, aljenawh u rebhuh!! U huma liberi jaghmlu l iridu!

2 years ago
Reply to  M.Galea

Jien mhux se nivvota izjed Ghax sew Qed tghid, Mhux vera jrid bidla l-poplu. Lanqas haqq kemm johorgu jhabbtu biebien u jinbghadu ma nies ta’ fehema differenti. Ghax sew Qed tghid, kollha l-istess. U sfortunatament min ried li vera ssir bidla raw kif ghamlu u qacctuh l’hemm b’mod jew b’iehor. Imma l-bicca hi li jekk ma ssirx bidla dawk tac-cirku se jibqaw igawdu! Hemm bzonn li l-poplu u l-oppozizzjoni jqumu fuq taghhom u jsemmghu lehinhom izjed.

2 years ago
Reply to  Carmen

Jien mieghek mija fil mija, nfatti ma nohrogtx nivvota! Jien suppost nivvota ghal pajjiz u mhux ghal dawn l hmieg! L poplu kelb tieghu nnifsu!

2 years ago

Jekk johrog dal permess u m ghandiex dubju li ser johrog ghalhekk applika, nghid li nghid is soltu, tal misthija!!

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