Balzan residents fuming over development application close to San Anton Gardens

Balzan residents have filed objections to a proposed development in Vjal de Paule seeking permission to demolish a two-storey house to convert it into a four-storey mixed-use complex with 60 basement garage spaces.

The proposed development, located opposite the Corinthia Hotel, is on an iconic street in Balzan / Attard that leads to San Anton Gardens. Most objections filed so far have highlighted the policies meant to preserve the integrity of the predominantly residential streetscape. The application envisages a full-scale catering establishment on its ground floor, with the other three floors consisting of offices.

If approved, the ground floor would include a bar area, a swimming pool, an industrial-grade kitchen including cold and dry storage facilities, food preparation areas, and a separate section for cooking, washing and serving.

One of the objectors described the application as “downright disingenuous and false”, pointing out that while it is being presented as an office complex, the application resembles “a sizeable catering establishment and events venue” far more than it does an office space.

The application PA/3682/22 was filed by Anthony Spiteri on behalf of Tal-Herba Environment Ltd. Anthony Spiteri is the sole shareholder of the company. The architect is Karl Ebejer.

Residents expressed concerns about the size of the development and how it would allow for a large entertainment venue in a Residential Priority Demarcation zone, where commercial development should not be considered.

A Google Maps screenshot showing an outline (in red) of the site in question.

Objectors described the application in question as an attempt to circumvent a previous Planning Control (PC) application that sought to overturn the protection bestowed by the Residential Priority Demarcation. The PC application was rejected by the Planning Authority (PA) in 2017.

Objectors also flagged the building height being proposed, arguing that it supersedes the height of buildings in the same area, which runs counter to the policies of the Local Plan.

Citing similar reasons, NGO Moviment Graffitti also filed an objection to the proposed development, calling on the PA to refuse the application altogether.

The closing date for objections is 1 July. The application is still waiting for a recommendation from a case officer. The total site area would take up 1,108 square metres of land.

Correction: The original report erroneously stated that the application was filed by Tal-Herba Group, rebranded to TH Group, instead of Tal-Herba Environment Ltd.

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2 years ago

Not only Balzan residents. Everyone should be fuming! But paying their bills leaves them little space and time to fight.

Godfrey Leone Ganado
Godfrey Leone Ganado
2 years ago

Another big shame.
These companies have become our political fiefdom masters.
The only thing they got right, is the name of their group, ‘Tal – HERBA’.

2 years ago

Addio djar tipici Maltin, komplu, l-poplu(mhux kollhu) qalilkhom ahna warajkhom. U l-kbir ghadu gej!!

2 years ago

When will the population grab their buckets and stop the developers in their tracks?

JB Hutchinson
JB Hutchinson
2 years ago

What is wrong with the Maltese people, you are ruining this tiny island more and more every day?
Who needs all the buildings and no trees? Who shall you rent to, when expats stop coming?
You only have this one island to call home. And you are ruining it every day.

Quite a strange behaviour.

Last edited 2 years ago by JB Hutchinson
2 years ago

There needs to be a policy where every single empty or unfinished property is completed and lived in before any further developments are approved.

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