‘Urgent’ health and safety legislation left idle for a year
Prime Minister Robert Abela’s sudden urgency to reform the
What’s Robert Abela waiting for?
The mother of Jean Paul Sofia, who died under
Summer in Malta is the bomb
Another fireworks factory has exploded, spewing toxic smoke, torching
Disposable foreigners and the road to riches
Jaiteh Lamin fell two storeys from a building site
Incompetent workers, lack of regulation leading to construction industry ‘chaos’
The Chamber of Architects has described the collapse of
‘University of Malta building fails to comply with safety standards’
One of the buildings housing the Faculty of Science
Death at the workplace: don’t let it happen again
The death of a 45-year old man injured in
The construction of death
‘In Malta, there are 1,264 different ways to die
Business as usual
Akram Almshay, 26 year old male of Libyan nationality,
GUEST POST: ‘This is Malta’
A post on social media by Robert Zammit, after

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