Decision on Manoel Island development postponed following UNESCO concerns
The Planning Authority has postponed its decision on whether
Developer pushes ahead with project for Mellieha green lung
Paul Attard, the secretary general of the Malta Developers
Mission accomplished: minister’s ‘landlord’ gets green lung for peanuts
Developers close to Lands Minister Silvio Schembri and Prime
Mellieha residents ignored as Lands seals deal with minister’s ‘landlord’
The Lands Authority has approved the sale of the
Revealed: Lands Minister’s links to developer set to acquire public land in Mellieha worth millions
Lands Minister Silvio Schembri is using a constituency office
Lands minister defends Mellieha public land grab deal for mega developers
Minister responsible for lands Silvio Schembri is refusing to
Strange clause points to underhand deal for precious Mellieha green area
A Lands Authority tender for the sale of a

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