Rogue ODZ developer in Mgarr ix-Xini plays the sheep farm card
A Gozitan who developed his Outside Development Zone land
Four storey Għajnsielem flats, shops approved despite case officer refusal
The Planning Authority has approved a permit to construct
10 years, millions later, Gozo elderly residence is almost ready
Dar San Guzepp – a new residence for the
Portelli’s associates want new cul-de-sac on undeveloped Għajnsielem land
Business associates of developer Joseph Portelli have filed a
ERA, Local Council, NGOs oppose Għajnsielem ODZ flats and retail centre
The Environment and Resources Authority (ERA) has labelled an
Għajnsielem local council expected to object to ODZ flats and supermarket
The Għajnsielem Local Council is expected to join opposition
Objections to extensive Għajnsielem development ‘sprawl into ODZ’
An application for an 18-unit residential apartment block, pool,
€1 million and a decade later, work on government elderly home set to resume
Businessman Zaren Vassallo is set to be awarded a

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