Opinion: Shadow bans and shady people
What is it with Malta and shady people? The
Opinion: A sunny place for shady people
Malta has learned nothing from the brutal murder of
Robert Abela’s Pinocchio problem
If you don’t want to be sued, stop asking
Don’t fall for Abela’s ruse
Robert Abela is like that spoiled kid with overindulgent
Brutality beyond the law
Bernice Cassar was shot to death by her husband
Five years and still here
The Shift is still online after five years. I
Robert Abela’s prolonged shrug
Prime Minister Robert Abela gave his first one-on-one video
Consulting payments are a red flag
“What Michael Stivala and Joseph Muscat do in their
Subsidising energy while Electrogas scores
As the European Union sprints into recession, the finance
Melvin Theuma’s refusal to testify
Melvin Theuma has refused to testify against the men
Five years of stalling and avoiding
Representatives of the world’s leading press freedom groups are
Creating reality one rubbish bin at a time
The government of Malta has been scolded again for
Il-Hutch goes down in proxy war
Another Party loyalist lost his livelihood this week in
The boys are back in town
Malta’s part-time prime minister is on holiday again. Not
Getting away with murder
Another 16th has come. Next month marks five years
Suitcases in the night
Frustrated citizens took to the streets again this week
Unlicensed drivers on lawless roads
No one who’s experienced Maltese roads was surprised to
Humour in the face of tyranny
Hadi Matar had only read “a couple of pages”
Lawless roads and random lead
The Canadian government has enraged the ‘go back to
Government attacks The Shift with legal Groundhog Day
Forty separate branches of the government are attacking another
Holidays in hell
I’ll always remember my first visit to Comino. Don’t
When the green’s gone, build on the blue
It isn’t enough to fill every remaining green space
The luckiest woman in the world lives in Malta – Ryan Murdock
The luckiest woman in Bormla might just be the
You’ll have your botched day in court
I’ll never forget the winter when I was served
Summer in Malta is the bomb
Another fireworks factory has exploded, spewing toxic smoke, torching
Malta is a zoo – Ryan Murdock
Malta is an open-air zoo, but the keepers are
The perils of renting in Malta – Ryan Murdock
Roadwork is in the news again as excavators create
New museum for Malta’s most lucrative industry
Malta is finally getting a museum celebrating its most
The honeymoon is over
The honeymoon is over and the piper wants to
The grey list is getting greyer
Malta is a world leader in setting standards for

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