13 point increase in perception that tenders are rigged
The percentage of business who think that ‘corruption in
President says rule of law is ‘deterrent against autocracy’
Republic Day is seen as a bonus holiday in
New government unit ‘for guaranteed votes’
The intention behind the setting up of a permanent
€50,000 enough to offset impact of ODZ petrol station in Marsaskala
A one-time payment of €50,000 is being proposed as
Prime Minister should first set example on law and order
On Sunday, Muscat said that in the coming years
Five trolls you’ll meet on social media (and how to deal with them)
Anyone who uses social media regularly must have experienced
Government offers ‘one stop shop’ for public officer complaints, Ombudsman concerned
The announcement that the government will be setting up
Art Deco cinema set to make room for block of apartments
The lido cinema in Birżebbuġa is set to make
Activists pressure minister on dismissals of key officials in Panama Papers investigations
Civil Society Network (CSN) has called on Finance Minister
Government official attempts to discredit Russian whistleblower ahead of MEP talks
Neville Gafà who was given a job at the

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