Ir-riforma tal-kera tal-Ministeru tal-Akkomodazzjoni se ddaħħal limiti li diġà jeżistu
This article is available in English. Skont il-gvern, ir-riforma
Inħareġ rekord ta’ 38,000 permess għall-ħaddiema minn barra l-UE fl-2022
This article is available in English. Fl-2022, Malta ħarġet
Aktar kuntratti sostanzjali ta’ konsulenza lil Marmara u Musumeci
This article is available in English. L-istatistiku tal-istħarriġ tal-Labour,
New study: Development permits used as political tool in Malta
The number of granted development permits has skyrocketed since
List of public property concessions not of public interest, government says
The government has refused to publish details of public
Maltese companies investigated for links to €15 million EU funds fraud
Aqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti. A number of Maltese companies
70% of Maltese get news from social media, highest in EU
Malta has the highest rate in the EU of
Lou Bondi jiċħad kunflitt ta’ interess bil-kuntratt il-ġdid tiegħu mal-ministeru tat-turiżmu
This article is available in English. L-eks uffiċjal eżekuttiv
Lou Bondi denies conflict of interest in new contract with tourism ministry
Tista taqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti. Former Nationalist Party communications
Contractor becomes BCA chief officer through JobsPlus register
A self-employed contractor who in 2021 received thousands of

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