Gozitan teacher annexes public playing field to his house

The Lands Authority has not taken action against a teacher who lives in the Gozitan village of Xewkija who took over public land that was part of a playing field and annexed it to his house without the knowledge of the local council and the government that owns the land.

Despite several reports to the authorities, the only action taken so far was by Xewkija’s Labour mayor, Hubert Saliba, who filed a court case on behalf of the local council against the illegal squatter.  Sources at the Council told The Shift that the mayor did not find the necessary backing from his fellow councillors.

The illegal public land grab and annexation happened last September when the locality’s mayor was abroad on holiday.

Ronald Debrincat, a teacher who lives adjacent to the Gnien Castelvenere, in the area known as Tal-Gokk in Xewkija, suddenly took over the playing field, dismantled a swing, and two public benches.

Heavy machinery suddenly appeared on site to build a sizeable room in just a few hours. The room was annexed to the back of his house, and a door was opened onto the remainder of the playing field.

Stunned neighbours who spoke to The Shift said all this happened in just a few hours while the mayor was away.

They said that despite their reports to the police, Debrincat was not stopped, and work continued unabated until they were completed.

Ronald Debrincat (Facebook).

Mayor Saliba expressed his frustration on social media, convening an urgent Council meeting in which it was decided that legal action would be taken.

Contacted by The Shift, Saliba confirmed the illegality. “I reported this to the police and the Lands Authority. Ask them if they took any action,” the mayor replied.

“I can assure you that I did more than my job demands. Now ask the authorities, particularly the Lands, if they did theirs,” he insisted.

Neighbours also told The Shift that Debrincat had been trying to extend his house for years as he complained that his plot was too small.

“The solution he found seems to be to take over public land as if it were his. Shall we all now do the same and build the remainder of the playing field?” one of the neighbours asked.

Attempts to speak to Debrincat about his new house extension proved futile. He did not answer the door when The Shift was on site, nor did he answer phone calls.


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4 months ago

It’s a free for all out there .

4 months ago
Reply to  Martin

Hmm… There’s a pretty nice park next to my maisonette. I might explore adding another room in the back. If he can, so can I.

4 months ago

kulhadd jisraq kemm jiflah – dan huwa sinjal la f’mafiamalta m’hemmx ligijiet ghaliex dawn kollha qieghdin jigu mkissrin min das-sahta ta muvument korrott.

Paul Bonello
Paul Bonello
4 months ago

If a Minister of State appropriates public heritage property, what is the big deal in a citizen appropriating public land in his favour? Once the rot starts, there is no stopping it.

simon oosterman
simon oosterman
4 months ago
Reply to  Paul Bonello

The teacher must be an important ‘friend’ if nobody listens to the Labour mayor.

Anthony Borg
Anthony Borg
4 months ago

L-iktar haga semplici li jista’ jaghmel is-Sindku li jirrezenja minn Sindku u mil-partit.

Karmenu Psaila
Karmenu Psaila
4 months ago

Get a bulldozer and knock it down because if the authorities did not stop him from his illegalities they won’t stop the Mayor from getting back public land .

4 months ago
Reply to  Karmenu Psaila

Best comment ever. Spot on.

Austin Sammut
Austin Sammut
4 months ago
Reply to  Jerry

If the authorities do not enforce the law then citizens have to

4 months ago


but this has become the norm of news in Malta these days, unbelievable but always true!

Carmelo borg
4 months ago


S. Camilleri
S. Camilleri
4 months ago

“I reported this to the police and the Lands Authority. Ask them if they took any action,” No need. The usual incompetent fools; while this bully laughs inanely at the camera and all of us and ridicules “the authorities”. I wonder what he teaches: hope it is not civics. Probably it will be sanctioned and all will be forgotten and forgiven; you know, second chance, to take over the entire playing field and convert his house into a sprawling villa with swimming pool. This has become a way of life here.

4 months ago
Reply to  S. Camilleri

This guy is building another villa somewhere else in Xewkija… His house there is too small??

Mark Bartolo
Mark Bartolo
4 months ago
Reply to  S. Camilleri
Joseph Tabone Adami
Joseph Tabone Adami
4 months ago

Another petty – or not so petty – bully from Gozo, where the maxim is ‘nitnajjek’

4 months ago

This irresponsible teacher will certainly use this room to give private lessons after the school hours. Rest assured he will give fiscal receipts and pay tax !!

Mark Vassallo
Mark Vassallo
4 months ago

His whole house needs to be bulldozed.

Austin Sammut
Austin Sammut
4 months ago

Let’s all annex a piece of the road or other public land. That would be nice! Or alternatively we could set up a tent outside our house and serve teas. What fun! Every “tea” room does it.

Toni Borg
Toni Borg
4 months ago

x’ma jivvutawx lejber…kull hadd jaghmel li jrid!!!

4 months ago

Dal gvern ghalhekk success! In nies, l maggoranza kollha tat tqallih! U ghalhekk l pajjiz qieghed fejn qieghed ghax l poplu sar jaqq sorry tal kelma!! Dal gvern halla l poplu liberu, joseph Muscat malli ha ir riedni biddel l karrattru ta kullhadd u dan kollu bi skop biex jaslu fejn waslu, ifottu l pajjiz l miljuni bil kwiet! U l poplu sar l istess! Flus biss, kantun, investiment u addio pajjiz!

4 months ago

X ser jaghmlulu tal lands?? Xejn! C ceo tal lands ghawdex huma l avukat li qieghed flimkien mal hatfa ta l artijiet u djar tat taparsi werrieta ta Navarra!! Mafia??? Aghar!!

4 months ago

L konservatorju jghallem ukoll jekk ma tridtx!

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