Project Green only managed to conclude 19 out of 98 projects promoted by the government agency last year.
The government agency, largely seen as a tool for greenwashing to counter the public’s anger at the rampant environmental destruction in the country, was called out in a report by the Auditor General.
The 98 projects “which during 2023 were in the pipeline” largely failed despite being allocated €2.5 million.

The allocated budget for the government’s greenwashing agency.
The agency falls under the responsibility of Minister Miriam Dalli, who employed the disgraced former CEO of MFSA, Joseph Cuschieri, to lead the agency.
Cuschieri, who is married to the daughter of former president George Vella, was forced to resign from the MFSA following the scandal in which he travelled with his mistress and colleague, Edwina Licari, to Las Vegas in a trip funded by Yorgen Fenech.
The business dealings of Fenech, currently accused of involvement in the assassination of journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia, were supposed to be monitored by those he entertained in Las Vegas.
The National Audit Office sampled four fully completed initiatives to assess the respective projects and their outcome, from the tendering stage to completion and payment settlement.
These had an aggregate value of €1,4 million and represented 78.5% of total projects completed during 2023.

The Auditor General’s report sampled four completed projects.
Inadequate project documentation and monitoring
Beyond failing to complete its planned projects in 2023, Project Green failed to monitor and adhere to timelines in three of the four projects reviewed, the National Audit Office found.
The key weaknesses identified by the audit included the absence of essential project details in the respective agreements, lack of timely certifications, the absence of monitoring reports, and inadequate explanations for project delays.
“These shortcomings hindered effective oversight, transparency and accountability in project management and execution,” the National Audit report found.
The NAO recommended Project Green establish comprehensive documentation and rigorous monitoring procedures to ensure all project agreements are detailed and complete, certifications are timely, progress is systematically monitored, and any deviations or delays are promptly identified and analysed as to whether there were reasonable justifications.
Was it ever going to be anything else?
Easy biex tahdimha din. Kwazi 18% kif ihobbu jghidu l laburisti fuq kif jahdmu l progetti taghhom!
When someone shows you who he is believe him the first time. Wherever he was he made hay while the sun shone and fed hay to his friends. So, what did one expect from a sleaze bag.
Money was probably funnelled and guzzled by freinds and Co