Planning Minister’s driver gets his ODZ ‘garage and reservoir’ permit

Such applications on land Outside Development Zones tend to turn into residences with a pool


The Planning Authority continues to ignore recommendations to refuse ODZ permits in Gozo as a new permit, described initially as a “non-starter” by the Environment and Resources Authority (ERA), was suddenly issued last week.

The controversial permit beneficiary is Ronnie Camilleri, a former soldier put on the government’s payroll while receiving an army pension. He is the driver of Planning Minister Clint Camilleri.

Ronnie’s architect, Alex Bigeni, is the husband of Minister Camilleri’s cousin and his former consultant. Bigeni managed to sway the Planning Authority’s initial recommendation for refusal despite the insistence of the Environment and Resources Authority (ERA).

The permit, which has been strongly objected to by NGOs and residents, concerns a plot of land in an Outside Development Zone (ODZ) in Triq il-Hida, Nadur. The land is situated on a ridge commanding views of Ramla Bay.

Last January, shortly after Prime Minister Robert Abela appointed Clint Camilleri Planning Minister, his driver applied for a permit to turn the land on Nadur’s promontory into a large, 200 sqm garage, complete with a reservoir. Such applications on ODZ land tend to turn into residences with a pool.

The Planning Directorate recommended the refusal of the permit.

ERA was bolder. It said the unbuilt area, which will be tiled/covered, with a small section to be turned into a garden, a reservoir and a long boundary wall, “puts into question the motives behind this development of a garage.”

Citizens also objected to the plans in submissions to the Planning Authority.

The site where the Planning Minister’s driver was awarded a permit Photo: PA.

However, to the surprise of many, instead of throwing out the application, the Planning Commission postponed its decision three times, giving architect Bigeni and the minister’s driver time to change their proposal to make it ‘acceptable’.

Last week, following many exchanges with the developer, Planning Commission Chair Martin Camilleri – appointed by the minister – gave the green light to the proposal, allowing Camilleri to build his garage.

The latest excuse for the ODZ permit was that the minister’s driver would be building a smaller version of his proposed development.

The postponement of decisions and eventual issuing of ODZ permits in Gozo by Martin Camilleri’s ODZ Planning Commission has become the order of the day during the past months, particularly since Gozo Minister Clint Camilleri took over the Planning Authority.

Upon his appointment, Minister Camilleri turned the Planning Authority into another Gozitan agency, placing his close advisor, Godwin Agius, on the executive council – the most important body directing planning permits.

Minister Camilleri also installed his canvassers on the main Planning Board.


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S. Camilleri
S. Camilleri
1 month ago

Corrupt through and through, with Martin Camilleri having abundantly proved to be a government stooge betraying the public interest at every turn and opportunity.

1 month ago

Mafia Headquarters for the Maltese Islands, you really think it would not get approved?

Joseph Tabone Adami
Joseph Tabone Adami
1 month ago

One must always remember that ODZ regulations and restrictions apply solely to animals and not to gods – or their drivers, for that matter!

1 month ago

Kif gibtuh mizbla pajjiz! Kif gibtuh mizbla l pajsagg naturali! Dan l garaxx mhux ser jintuza ghal skop agrikolu ghax r raba f dik z zona ma jinhadimx! L applikant lanqas hu bidwi! Skond l policy tal-PA trid tkun full time farmer biex johroglok permess ghal kamra fl ghelieqi w llum ftit baqa bdiewa full time!! Imma l aqwa l moghdija taz-zmien bir reservior! Daqsekk bini fl odz qalilna l bobby! Imma kif ma tisthux!? Mhux bizzejjed gibna mizbla kollha kruha ta’ bini l irhula, anke l odz nittinna w dan bil barka ta’ dal hmieg gvern ghax hu qed jaghmel aghar! Xi nghidu ghal pajsaggi tal konkos ma l irdumijiet!? Tal-biki!! Sannat Sanap cliffs u Xlendi!! Ftuh ta’ toroq godda w twessigh ta’ toroq go l ghelieqi kollha konkos bil-barka tal kunsilli biex iqalghu lira lil bazuzli mbad ssib lil dal poplu cheap jifrah u jaghmlilhom l likes!! Sensittivita lejn l ambjent naturali zero!! Slopes naturali mittiefsa u mkerha! Bhalissa taht x xaghra, trakkijiet u gaffef iqalbu l hamrija, bini ta’ kruha ta’ hitan li ma jamalgamax man-natural tal-post!! U kollox ghaddej qisu xejn mhu xejn!! L kruha tal-binja li telghet hdejn l korsa tax-Xewkija li kerhet iz-zona bl’iskuza li ser tintuza bhala park n ride!! Minflokk sabu post minghajr ma hadu ghelieqi!! Purament tal-misthija! Fejn hu kullhadd?? Kollox jghaddi sar ghal dal poplu cheap li meghdi jiehu l loan halli jakwista l mbarazz li qed jibnu halli jikri w jinvesti minghalih w huma jorku idejjhom ghal izjed kruha ta’ bini!! X ma jkunx hawn dwejjaq u indannazzjoni fost dan l poplu tan-nejk!! U dal hmieg gvern pajjiz gabu mizbla ma kullimkien u jitnejjek bina bl ispazji miftuha halli jkun hieles minghajr hadd ma itelfu halli jkompli jibni fejn irid w kif irid!! Gzejjer ilhom jezistu eluf ta snin u taht dal hmieg gvern inqerdu kompletament go inqas minn hames snin!! Purament tal-biki!!

Edgar Gatt
Edgar Gatt
1 month ago

It was to be expected Appointing all his friends on boards he can carry on with his corruption. Corruption in Gozo is rife and now even more

1 month ago

Ghal min ma jafx RonnieCamilleri jigi l kugin ta Missier l Ministru Clint Camilleri!! NGOs please qumu!!

Karmenu Psaila
Karmenu Psaila
1 month ago

What a shame , this means losing more votes in the next election , so if you are a ministers Driver you can it get right.

Martin Bayliss
Martin Bayliss
1 month ago

No building permits should be given anywhere on ODZ.

Toni Borg
1 month ago

Do people like Martin Camilleri, Angelo Gafa and the some many others who disregard their duties and oaths taken have a conscience??

Do they sleep at night knowing that they’re destroying a country as a result of their actions or inactions?

Disgusting and shameful people whose only master is money!!

Bernard Manduca
Bernard Manduca
1 month ago


1 month ago

F kelma wahda gbart kollox!

1 month ago

Are we supposed to be surprised? Government rot, through and through. Corruption reigns supreme.

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