Go on, sail away – Kevin Cassar

Within 24 hours of those agonising scenes inside and outside parliament, the man responsible for all the torment was steering his 50-foot luxury yacht away from these shores.

He must have dashed straight from that pitiful interview with MaltaToday to the Vittoriosa marina. After swapping his sackcloth for his designer t-shirt and a cool pair of shades, Prime Minister Robert Abela was filmed at the helm of his ostentatious yacht fleeing the maelstrom he’d created.

One minute he was expressing regret for his offensive insensitivity for speeding away from the grieving parents of Jean Paul Sofia to get to his Girgenti Palace party. The next, he was doubling down on his arrogant indifference to the nation’s rage and sailing off in luxury.

If anybody doubted that Abela’s tears with MaltaToday’s Kurt Sansone were crocodile tears, his swift escape just hours later must have put those doubts to rest. If anybody suspected Abela’s regret at his own heartlessness the previous night was fake, those suspicions were confirmed.

Abela’s tactless attendance at his Girgenti party straight after those heartbreaking scenes in Valletta fired up the nation. Clips of Abela’s guests clapping away to the happy music of the national orchestra went down like a lead balloon. ‘Get Me to the Church on Time’, they played, to general hilarity all around.

Abela was transformed. From the stony-faced aloofness he displayed as he studiously avoided Jean Paul Sofia’s parents waiting for him outside parliament, Abela became the genial host of the Girgenti bash.

Gone was the scowl.  The breezy smile was back. Abela hadn’t a care in the world – music, clapping, drinks, hugs and photos.

How different Abela’s world is from the cruel reality of Jean Paul Sofia’s parents.

They didn’t have a son to hug, to have a drink or a chat with. As they sat distraught and mulling over Abela’s callous betrayal of their son’s memory, he was enjoying himself at the taxpayer’s expense.

The whole country was appalled when photos surfaced of the lunch organised at Girgenti Palace, one of the Prime Minister of Malta’s official residences, for Love Island contestants.

The nation was shocked to see photos of the Prime Minister’s 11-year-old daughter and wife posing with those contestants.

But instead of backing off and treading more carefully, Robert Abela invited those same contestants to a second Girgenti bash. And more photos of his daughter with Love Island contestants surfaced.

By the morning the nation’s rage was palpable. Even Labour darling Simone Cini expressed what every mother felt at Abela’s disgraceful handling of Sofia’s death. Even Labour stalwart Evarist Bartolo and Labour Gzira Mayor Conrad Borg Manche’ voiced their disgust.

Many more genuine Labour supporters felt aggrieved that the memory of one of their young supporters could be treated so insolently by their leader.

It was bad enough to attempt a cover-up by having the proposal for a public inquiry rejected in a parliamentary vote, but to proceed to host a lavish party at Girgenti straight after that was revolting.

Even the detached Robert Abela must have sensed the fury building around him. So he snatched the short time he had left to try and dampen the flames. He called on Saviour Balzan’s MaltaToday to help him out.

Savior Balzan owed him for all of Abela’s desperate court cases to avoid releasing information to The Shift about the millions of euros Balzan was paid. So Abela embarked on a halfhearted effort to reclaim the nation’s sympathy. In his catastrophic interview, Abela just made things worse.

He continued to reject a public inquiry. He stated that if the magisterial inquiry does not look into how a human trafficker and a man who got his Albanian slaves to beat up his former father-in-law were given public land, this should be investigated later.

And guess who Robert Abela thinks should investigate it? INDIS Malta, the very government entity that suspiciously awarded that land to the shady businessmen.

And guess who runs INDIS Malta? Two of Silvio Schembri’s chief canvassers and close aides.

Jean Pierre Attard, a former Labour Party Zurrieq local councillor and a notary with ownership in various property speculation companies, was promoted to the agency’s executive chair without a public call. Schembri also made him INDIS Malta CEO, besides being chairman.

Attard is a shareholder in Lux Developments Ltd, SL Property Developments and Yolo Properties Ltd, with other property developers. His wife, Stephanie, is also a shareholder in three other property development companies – 12 Properties Ltd, Building Heights Ltd and Solitaire Property Ltd. Whose side would he take?

Francois Piccione, Silvio Schembri’s 31-year-old childhood friend and canvasser, was made INDIS Malta Deputy Chief Executive with an annual salary of over €101,000. These are the people at the helm of INDIS who Robert Abela wants to investigate the entity they run.

But Abela stooped even lower. When challenged about the mishandling of Miriam Pace’s death, Abela said “the family was handsomely compensated”.

Abela belongs to the dark ages of feudalism.  His reaction was horrific. Why are they whining, they’ve been “handsomely compensated”?

Or maybe he was sending a message to Jean Paul Sofia’s family:  If you behave and stop making a fuss, you too will be “handsomely compensated”.

And, with that, he sprinted off to his yacht. Robert Abela enjoys the lavish decor of his luxury yacht while local councils collect funds for stricken families left homeless as a result of the demolition of their properties by reckless developers.

Years after another building collapsed in Gwardamanġa, the affected families have been left in the dark about police investigations. They remain in temporary accommodation provided by the developer. Watching the prime minister sail away in pure luxury must sting. But does he care?

Abela knew that a vigil for Jean Paul Sofia would be held on Monday evening. But his priority is to enjoy himself.

Labour must lance the boil that is Robert Abela before it poisons the whole body. Otherwise, the nation will have to amputate that limb to spare the nation’s life.

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Francis Said
Francis Said
1 year ago

His father called him: he is his own man.
Well it’s more like he is a spoilt child with his toy.

Gillian Camilleri
Gillian Camilleri
1 year ago

This government needs to go…..the sooner the better!!!!

1 year ago

Why should they go to get the return of imbeciles and lots of hate. My work had been threatened and i finally had to leave and find my own new job when at the same time they employed the blue eyed boys . This is what you mean by this government leaving ??Fuels were sky high under the other PN party and kept increasing week after week, no civil rights at all!!! No way will i ever vote PN sorry

1 year ago

That Azimuth 50 is most probably leased to hide ownership. The same agent handles also the same types of car Joseph Muscat has recently shown around. Everything looks above board , it always is, until ……

charles vassallo
charles vassallo
1 year ago
Reply to  makjavel

Is he just doing 5 knots as is the law 200/300 metres from land, or over? Looks more than 5 knots to me….

Last edited 1 year ago by charles vassallo
1 year ago
Reply to  makjavel

its his boat personally and its been at him before he was PM. He was a top lawyer and he bought a boat he could afford. Anything wrong? Does he have to tell you his liabilities to be PM. Good luck to him if he worked for it why not? Jealousy and hatred get yu nowhere!!

T.M. Portelli
T.M. Portelli
1 year ago
Reply to  Robert

Makjavel. You never grasped one iota of what Kevin Cassar is writing about. For all I care he could own 10 boats not just one. However, as a leader of our nation, that gaffe was totally uncalled for. That reeked of insensitivity right to the core. That was ill judgement of the first degree. By sailing away, the message he sent to those grieving parents who had just lost a son, not a poodle or a parrot, but a 20 year old son, was ” iff off, i’m not bothered”.

charles vassallo
charles vassallo
1 year ago

Either his special adviser is hopeless or PM Robert Abela does not give a tinker’s cuss on his political correctness.

Truth be said that he somehow needed his own personal space after his such sad and heartless betrayal towards the memory and killing of an innocent teen, the deceased Jean Paul Sofia together with the terrible trauma his family are passing through.

In my opinion our Prime minister seems to have a hidden agenda as he should have opened both a magisterial and public inquiry, both running in tandem.

This is manslaughter through gross negligence and corrupt practices from all parties connected to an illegal building that went down crashing like a house of cards. Buildings don’t simply crash down like such.

Indis may also be implicated in such tragedy, so I kindly ask of you PM Abela why involve Indis who incidentally is run by two of Silvio Schembri’s chief canvassers and close aides as to investigate such a tragedy?! Why?!

Why don’t you get your useless puppet of a Police Commissioner to start investigating such tragedy! He had all the legal reasons to investigate, yet he did shit all!

Run Robert Abela, run! Go have an ice cream in Sicily, whilst the family of Jean Paul Sofia are living hell on earth. All thanks to you and your puppet Labour MP’s!

You can run, however one day the truth shall out Dear NOT MY PRIME MINISTER Robert Abela.

Michael Attard
Michael Attard
1 year ago

The Girgenti Night at the Palace should be remembered as Concerto for Jean Paul.

1 year ago

PM Abela, just like his Master Joseph Muscat, which makes the first a copy of the second in various ways. Just the means of travel and the holiday destinations are different. Well, there has to be some difference in taste and value of luxury, when otherwise all is set to be go on like business as usual.

The ‘continuity’ of Joseph Muscat 1.0 is Robert Abela aka Joseph Muscat 2.0.

Malta Today is merely publishing scham critical articles, in fact it comes across like the media outlet of the Laburisti hypocrites.This staged TV interview with Mr Balzan was just the same. Win some time to secure the escape.

I wonder what is there in Sicily, apart from being closer to Malta, that always keeps him going there. I might guess, but I better stop here.

1 year ago
Reply to  Thomas

Correcting typo: must read ‘sham critical articles’.

1 year ago

Imma hadd ma jigieh f’mohhu l fatt kif dan il persuna fl eta’ tieghu ghandu dan il gid kollu.
Possibbli li avukat jista’ jkollu dan il gid kollu biex xoghol biss?
Jew inkella bil kariga ta’ Prim Ministru?
Vera li d daddy kien bi zball President pero anke jekk idendel xi haga d daddy dan il yatch biex jinzam biss trid il balal tal eluf tal ewro.
Barra minn hekk ma jaghmilx sens il fatt li hu RA hu Prim Ministru tas suppost Gvern Socjalista, Partit tal-haddiem.
L ebda haddiem ma jaffordja dan il lussu kollu!
Capcap Gahan.

Noel Ciantar
Noel Ciantar
1 year ago
Reply to  Bamboccu

Id-daddy ma kienx president bi zball, skuzi.

Kien President ghax ghamluh in-Nazzjonalisti.

1 year ago
Reply to  Bamboccu

Bla dubju! L miljuni qed jaghmluhom min fuq pajjizna, ghad detriment ta’ pajjizna! Tghid mhux mis sittin elf li ghandhom fis-sena!! Ghalfejn tahseb li jaghtu l art publika lil privat? Ghalfejn tahseb li l izviluppaturi jaghmlu l jridu? Ghax huma l politici kollha shab maghhom! Imma l poplu mohhu ghalxejn qieghed hemm! U sakemm ihallihom l poplu hekk ser jibqghu jaghmlu!

Robbie Tabone
1 year ago

By far the worst PM we ever had.

D. Borg
D. Borg
1 year ago
Reply to  Robbie Tabone

Hopefully that “honour” will remain of Joseph Muscat.

1 year ago
Reply to  D. Borg

No doubt about that, just that Abela is becoming more of the same like Joseph Muscat in time.

1 year ago
Reply to  Robbie Tabone

Together with Joseph! I cant stand Joseph hut I think Abela is much worse!

1 year ago
Reply to  Robbie Tabone

Indeed and the ranking is getting more difficult among the MLP / PL PMs of the past and the present. Mintoff – Muscat – Abela, from the ‘dubbed little Napoleon’ to the ‘Party Joseph’ ending up with ‘his masters servant’.

Joe l ghasfur
Joe l ghasfur
1 year ago

Qabel sar prim kien qal ma jridx jaghmel patt max xitan, tiftakruh dan il kliem.
Mela ma min ghamiltu il patt sur prim,ghax biex iccahad omm milli tkun taf il verita kief gie maqtul binha bilfors ghamilt patt ma xi hadd?
Jew ghamilt xi froga int jew xi hadd qribek u trid taghti xturek? Tibzax iz zejt ser jitla fil wicc dalwaqt.

1 year ago
Reply to  Joe l ghasfur

Bla dubju! Tghid ma inghattatx art pubblika lil hbiebu w hu mhux imdahhal??

1 year ago

He has betrayed the workers.

Out of Curiosity
Out of Curiosity
1 year ago

Robert Abela is not only a capricious child and an elite at the helm of the workers political party (what a contrast) but he is also surrounded by a bunch of incompetent and high-headed individuals who think they are God’s gift to Earth (poor chaps), with little understanding of the Maltese fabric and politics. To mention few, the PM is surrounded with the likes of Glenn Micallef, Chief of Staff, Edward Montebello, Head of Communications and Aleander Balzan, Advisor, and those of you who had the misfortune to touch base with these chaps, knows well that I am not exaggerating. As the saying goes, “Birds of the same feather flock together”.

Anne R. Key
Anne R. Key
1 year ago

it is a well known fact that all CEO’s, Chairmen, HOD’s are party lackey’s – mostly incompetent so as to honour the call of their master. All that matters is the monthly generous pay cheque that is received……………..Partit tal poplu!!!!!!…..ISTHU!

saviour mamo
saviour mamo
1 year ago

Warrbulu min nofs ħa jgħaddi.

1 year ago
Reply to  saviour mamo

Min jaf kemm jghidilna oqghodu hemm ja indannati qalb l konkos u trab jien sejjer ghal arja!

1 year ago

Dear Mr. ROBBER Abela,

You have robbed of our children’s future,
You have left the parents alone,
You have done enough “nothing.”

You have worked enough against democracy,
You have damaged and harmed enough Malta,
You have installed enough of your sleazy lackeys,
You have sufficiently betrayed the working class.

It is now enough for them to take a very very long vacation. 
A couple of decades would therefore be appropriate in my view.
And please take all of your minions especially your Ministers along for the ride.

Farewell, Mr. ROBBER Abela.

Lisa Galea
Lisa Galea
1 year ago

Part-time government on a full-time wage…plus perks. M’hemmx bzonn tghidilna Rosianne fuq xiex jithanzru.

Carmelo borg
1 year ago

Bobby ghamel pjacir lil partit u lil malta taghna u ibqa fejn int.
Malta ma ghandiex bzonnok (bhala politiku) bil frajjeg li qed taghmel .
Ibqa hemm u nibatulek il paga tibsax.

1 year ago

Can someone says or calculate the price of Robert Abela yacht PRICE? Tks

Michael Borg
Michael Borg
1 year ago
Reply to  Joseph

The price of a BASIC yacht similar to Abela’s is €975,000.
Knowing him, I doubt whether he would have got a basic version.
That besides the annual running costs, fuel, insurance, maintenance and mooring fees would run into a lot of thousands per year.
The guy is flush with cash, the provenance of which is a ‘SECRET’…..perhaps illicit unexplained wealth.
One wonders whether Bobby included the value of his yacht in the mandatory DECLARATION OF ASSETS RETURN to be submitted by the members of the Cabinet, amongst others.
Perhaps the shift would re-visit their archives and come up with some information about Bobby’s declaration.

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