Data leak used to select only Labour-voting public service job applicants

The 'leaked’ database was located at the Labour HQ and ministry functionaries would choose public service job applicants strictly according to their voting preferences.


A database holding the massive breach of the details and political preferences of 337,384 voters from a company run by relatives of then-Labour Party President Stefan Zrinzo Azzopardi was used by ministries to select only Labour-leaning applicants for public calls for vacancies and at the exclusion of other candidates.

The massive data breach happened during Stefan Zrinzo Azzopardi’s time as party president between 2003 and 2013 and came from a company run and owned by his brother-in-law and in which his father was also involved.

From new information reaching The Shift since Sunday’s report that the minister’s father resigned from the company shortly after the scandal broke, it transpires that the database was used for even more nefarious purposes than merely gauging electoral sentiment.

Since Sunday, a number of sources with hands-on experience using the system have come forward to The Shift to explain how the database with the voting preferences of just about every voter in Malta was leveraged to ensure that only Labour Party supporters were recruited to the public service.

The system, The Shift is reliably informed, was used by the ministries and the public service across the board and was not limited to certain instances or for any particularly sensitive government job openings.

How it worked

The database was located at the Labour Party headquarters in Hamrun and it was not accessible remotely.

When a ministry would issue a public call for vacancies, a functionary would be sent to the Labour HQ with the shortlist of candidates to cross-reference the names with those on the database.

Voting preferences, The Shift is informed, were also clearly indicated: Labour voters were marked as ‘1’, Nationalist Party voters were marked as ‘2’ and those without a voting preference were marked as ‘0’.

Sources who have used the system for this exact purpose have told The Shift that when making the final selections to fill vacancies in the public sector, it was only the 1s who would be taken into consideration, in yet another reflection of the patron-client political system gone wild.

In other words, it was only the Labour Party-leaning applicants who would be chosen for final interviews and, consequently, for the job – irrespective of other candidates’ attributes such as experience, qualifications or aptitude for the position in question.

The Shift reported on Sunday how the father of former PL president and current Public Works and Planning Minister Stefan Zrinzo Azzopardi, Joseph Zrinzo, was also involved in C-Planet IT Services along with the minister’s brother-in-law Philip Farrugia but resigned from his position right after the electioneering data scandal broke.

Zrinzo had served as company secretary but resigned from the post after the political scandal broke and freedom of information requests on the company’s voter data breach were filed in April 2020.

Farrugia assumed Zrinzo’s position upon his exit from the scandal-tainted company and remains the company’s sole shareholder and director.

Zrinzo’s resignation was filed at the Malta Business Registry on 23 December 2020 but was backdated to an effective date of 3 June 2020. The company had first been registered in June 2007.

The data breach involved a voter database that held personal information such as names, addresses and ID card details of almost the entire electorate.

Online monitoring service – Under The Breach – had first revealed the breach when it tweeted that data had been left exposed by a Maltese IT company.

The minister’s brother-in-law and company owner Philip Farrugia is a former production director at the Labour Party media company ONE Productions.

Soon after the story broke at the beginning of April 2020, freedom of information requests were filed, one by independent politician Arnold Cassola.

The IDPC ruling

Information and Data Protection Commissioner Ian Deguara last week settled the complaint and gave the company 20 days to release the information held on the complainant and to explain where the data had been sourced from.

Anything short of that and a “proportionate and dissuasive” fine would be issued, the Commissioner warned.

Cassola has since demanded an official apology from the Labour Party and for Zrinzo Azzopardi’s resignation over the affair: “Our political profiling was done when Zrinzo Azzopardi was the Labour Party President. The Labour Party must apologise and Zrinzo Azzopardi must resign.”

The company had refused Cassola’s freedom of information request by citing ongoing legal proceedings after NGO Repubblika, the Daphne Caruana Galizia Foundation and over 600 claimants initiated court proceedings into the March 2020 leak.

The company had refused the request by citing ongoing legal proceedings, as well as claiming it did not have access to the data at the time since it was in the possession of the police and the IDPC.

The IDPC, however, put paid to the excuse by saying the company “was processing the personal data pertaining to the complainant at the time of receipt of the request”.

The finding comes after Cassola reported the matter to the IDPC back in 2020.  In January 2022, the Commissioner found the company guilty and fined it €65,000, the largest IDPC fine on record. The previous record was held by the €5,000 fine meted out to the Lands Authority.

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1 year ago

There was even the suspicion that this list was also used for social services assistance use. Persons feel they are black listed. They are.
This is the injustice that the PN Must rectify and the persons doing the segregation taken to a court of law. Do not repeat what Dr. Fenech Adami did , when all were forgiven. Look were we are. Law breakers rewarded by the PL government , while the PN does nothing to rectify this when in power.

1 year ago

This is disgusting. I hope that there is something that can be done to rectify this injustice done against those citizens who were pushed aside because of their basic right of a political opinion as set out in our constitution. What I mean is that those who got the job wrongfully because they support the corrupt PL should be kicked out. No mercy.

Keith D'Amato
Keith D'Amato
1 year ago

Tista’ ma taqbilx maghna, imma xorta niddiskriminawk!

Saviour Mamo
Saviour Mamo
1 year ago

This is electoral fraud and the NP should take this matter
very seriously.

Anne R. key
Anne R. key
1 year ago
Reply to  Saviour Mamo

It is once again time for Dr. Delia to outshine everyone. He can see this through and WE MUST SUPPORT HIM in this cause….!

1 year ago

Shocked – but not surprised. This requires many firings, re-openings for positions and jail terms.

Francis Said
Francis Said
1 year ago
Reply to  viv

Hear hear. Whoever is responsible for all this, including whoever used the information for whatever reason is a criminal.
We cannot wait 4 years until another election is called. Action must be taken now!
All this is clearly a breach of Human Rights. Unfortunately one of the many.

1 year ago

Was it used for the Vat lottery too ? As the same people won more then once Data protection what a joke. Those who should safe guard the laws break them all the time.

1 year ago
Reply to  Judy

probbbli anke fil-lotto – m’ghandi fiducja f’hadd mill-muvument korrott u f’dawk it-trolls li qieghdin jisirqu l-haddiem.

1 year ago

If more proof were needed that the government has seized control of the state and its institutions this surely has to be it.

The government should resign en masse and fresh elections called in the hope that every single voter not implicated in this latest scandal and who was given a position because of the way they voted will vote for a return to democracy and note vote PL.

The EU and the international community at large should also take whatever steps it can to restore public confidence and demonstrate it too holds the government to account for yet another blatant example of corruption.

Joseph Galea
Joseph Galea
1 year ago

Fraudsters and corrupt from top to bottom !!!

1 year ago

. . . What about a class action suit for discrimination?

Last edited 1 year ago by Jesmond
Cecilia Attard
1 year ago
Reply to  Jesmond

Where is the UHM!!! What happened to this Union supposed to be the Vouce of the Workers???????

Anne R. key
Anne R. key
1 year ago
Reply to  Cecilia Attard

This is NOT a Union matter. It is political and must be fought out by the opposition!

1 year ago
Reply to  Cecilia Attard


1 year ago
Reply to  Jesmond

There is an ongoing class action but many decided not to participate just because it was presented by Matthew Caruana Galizia and The Daphne Foundation!

1 year ago

Studja u stinka biex wara jkun hemm xi troll bahnan mill-muvument KORROTT jehodlok postok. Veru muvument mahmug bil-provi – ISTHU – taf bihom dawn l-affarijiet bob, jew il-hazin u l-hazen tghakhom u l-ordni tal-gurnata. Morru inhbew – postkhom hu f’maqjel u anglu kien qieghed jirreferi ghalikhom fil-parlament (maqjel) – u rosanna kkonfermat dan – kollha tithanzru. Povru pajjiz – kif gibtuh mizbla.

Anne R. key
Anne R. key
1 year ago
Reply to  carlos

Education in Malta is dead!

1 year ago

Jien nahseb iktar hu l-kaz li l-jobs tawhom lit-2’s biex jigbru iktar voti! Tghid fi hdan il-pn m’hemmx database bhal din? Jien konvinta li ssibu jekk tfittxu.

Toni Borg
Toni Borg
1 year ago
Reply to  Karm

Tippruvaw tggustifikaw il hmieg taghkom billi taqilaw qlajjiet fuq hadd iehor.

int meta tmur tqerr tghidlu ma ghandiex dnubiet ghax il gara bhali taghmel??

1 year ago
Reply to  Karm

U hallina Karm!! In-Nazzjonalisti kienu jaghmlu hekk biex minghalihom jiehdu xi vot minghand il-laburisti.Imma mhux il-labour. Ma tarax!!!

Jools Seizure
Jools Seizure
1 year ago

Is it being suggested that in terms of meritocracy, things did not develop in quite the same way as Ramona Frendo was anticipating? Are we perchance, even now, relying on this individual for her redoubtable sense of judgement?

Godfrey Leone Ganado
Godfrey Leone Ganado
1 year ago

This is criminal for all those who piloted it/allowed it to happen and also those who benefitted from it on the backs of those who merited the appointments on the basis of equity.
The godfather responsible for the scheme and its execution is none other than Mario Cutajar who was appointed Chief Permanent Secretary by ‘misappropriating’ the office himself and I dare say was also subservient to his corrupt master, Joseph Muscat and the army of political prostitutes he organised around him.
And what about the MPO division which recruits and monitors the manpower requirements in the public sector?
An alternative government has the right and duty to immediately carry out an independent and professional manpower status report, and be bold enough to identify the undeserving beneficiaries and sack them. It also has the duty to investigate and take criminal action against Mario Cutajar and all those who aided and abetted in the perpetration of this scheme. Furthermore, being clearly a promotions/jobs for votes scheme, the Electoral Commission should also be investigated for a breach of the electoral laws. This should also be extended to the Labour Party for electoral fraud.

1 year ago

You forgot the PSC!

Philip Micallef
Philip Micallef
1 year ago

I suspect this list was used for everything involving Government whether a public sector job or a scholarship application or a veto for a posting with an international organization or a veto for applying for some EU fund via Government………..At what stage has the class action arrived?

Fred the Red
Fred the Red
1 year ago

This is a scandal of the gravest proportions. Where is the PN? Where is Bernard Grech? This calls for a full independent inquiry at the very least and for the PM’s resignation as the Minister responsible for the civil service. The PN’s irrelevance and total anonymity when major scandals erupt leads me to conclude they are perfectly happy to remain in opposition till kingdom come! Pathetic!

1 year ago
Reply to  Fred the Red

An independent inquiry by Robert Abela? Forget it.
At best , if somebody has a copy of the data base and is ready to pass it on to a Repubblika or a PN Lawyer , things would happen, if this is given to a magistrate to investigate.

Anne R. key
Anne R. key
1 year ago

Anything short of that and a “proportionate and dissuasive” fine would be issued”.
NO! An apology is most certainly NOT enough! The money recouped from fines MUST be returned to the public and handed out as compensation, to all those who were prevented from seeking employment and promotion. This is a criminal act in the most vile!Shame on the whole lot of you…..!

Ray Farrugia
Ray Farrugia
1 year ago

Let us keep Daphne in our minds and say “There are crooks everywhere it seems” to remind us what life under 10 years of Labour has become.

Out of Curiosity
Out of Curiosity
1 year ago

Today we have a Minister (Zrinzo Azzopardi) who used to be the President of the LP when this serious crime happened and to add insult to injury the private company who got hold of this massive data, is owned by the brother in law of the same Minister with the involvement of his father. So, no excuses for the Minister, since it is crystal clear that Zrinzo Azzopardi was behind this filthy move. THEREFORE SINCE THERE IS ENOUGH CIRCUMSTANTIAL EVIDENCE, WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN NOW? WHO IS GOING TO LODGE A CASE IN FRONT OF THE CRIMINAL COURTS OF MALTA, ACCUSING THIS MINISTER TO BE IN SERIIOUS BREACH OF DATA PROTECTION LAW???

frank Buhagiar
frank Buhagiar
1 year ago

And the EU know about this other government scandal? The EU need to start taking action not statements only!!!

Victor Fenech
Victor Fenech
1 year ago

This is even more massive than it looks. Apart from corrupt practices in all elections, with thousands.declaring illiteracy and thousands getting government jobs, mistrrious apartment fields etc making all elections fraudulent even on suspicion, how about fiddling with Water and Elec bills for selected people, social services.applications and benefits etc etc.This is an illegal government and has been for over 10 years… Apart from being corrupt to the core, and fraudulent and responsible for Daphne s murder.

1 year ago

PL! 😈
Now only typical criminals!
Wake up Malta!
It is the end of Labour!

👮 Angelo Gafa paid for doing nothing
👩‍⚖️ Victoria Buttigieg ashamed Malta.

1 year ago

Could this have been used for positions in companies where the government has some kind of stakeholding? I have strong suspicions

1 year ago

Will tbe Police be investigating public ezaminations since 2013? I remember reading the Ombudsman ‘s report on discriminatiin some few years ago during the PL legislatue of Joseph Muscat.

saviour Cassar
saviour Cassar
1 year ago

Don’t tell me that the pn does not hold similar information.
I have passed from the same screening under the pn era

1 year ago
Reply to  saviour Cassar

Two wrongs don’t make a right. Stop justifying corruptiom!

IT Services
1 year ago

The revelation of a data leak at the Labour Party headquarters in Malta raises serious concerns about the misuse of voter information. The leaked database, containing details and political preferences of over 337,000 voters, was allegedly used by ministries to selectively choose public service job applicants based on their voting preferences. This undermines the principles of fairness, equal opportunity, and meritocracy in the recruitment process. The incident highlights the need for robust data protection measures and transparency in political party operations to ensure the integrity of democratic processes and prevent the exploitation of personal information for partisan gain.

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