Rosianne Cutajar’s poison – Kevin Cassar

Rosianne Cutajar is not just a deceitful cheating liar; she’s a vicious one. Not only did she lie, but when Mark Camilleri told the truth, she took all measures possible to intimidate him into retracting his claims.

She filed a libel suit and made a criminal complaint against him.  Although the police knew Camilleri was right, they still took criminal action against him.

Camilleri has now published Yorgen Fenech and Cutajar’s chats, and she’s gone ballistic.  She demanded the police arrest Camilleri. The court ordered Police Commissioner Angelo Gafa to investigate Camilleri.

Why is Cutajar so upset? Because the truth is out. Because she can’t keep fooling the nation, and Europe for that matter.

On 28 October 2021, Cutajar said on social media, “Today I filed a libel suit against Mark Camilleri who through his writing in the last few hours made defamatory declarations in my regard.  I will not let somebody gain popularity at the expense of my integrity.”

What integrity?

“Like everybody else, I am human, and I have a family,” she added. “We’ll meet in court Mr Camilleri.”

Cutajar knew what Camilleri wrote – that she’d been in a relationship with Fenech and had taken his money – was true.  Yet she claimed Camilleri was lying.  She exploited the legal system to harass and intimidate him.  She didn’t stop there.

She filed a criminal complaint. And he was charged.  Now he’s released those damning chats.

“I accepted (to pay) the 1% brokerage fee because I knew they’d be going to you,” Yorgen Fenech told Cutajar.

Yet Cutajar vehemently denied taking any brokerage fees when she faced the Standards Commissioner.

She denied involvement in brokering the Mdina property sale despite contacting Fenech repeatedly about the property.

She claimed, “nobody gave me either a bag or any cash”.  Now we know she did get a Bvlgari bag and €9,000 in cash from Yorgen Fenech.

Of course, a bag and a few thousand euro are hardly relevant. The point is not that an MP was intimate with a cocaine-addled married millionaire. That is entirely her business and nobody else’s.

The point is that an MP of the ruling party was exploiting her intimate relationship with a business magnate who had direct access to the prime minister and his chief of staff to get appointed to Cabinet.

That businessman was the owner of 17 Black, led the Electrogas project, and now stands accused of commissioning the murder of a journalist critical of her and her government.

Cutajar used that businessman to get inside information about Cabinet appointments.  She solicited his financial support for her political ends and failed to declare it.

She accepted his lavish gifts and thousands of euro in cash and then, representing the country at the Council of Europe, stood up to defend him.

Cutajar was found guilty of breach of ethics by then-Standards Commissioner George Hyzler.  The Parliamentary Standards Committee eventually endorsed the Commissioner’s report and gave her a “stern” reprimand, which amounted to a polite letter from Speaker Anglu Farrugia.

As far as we know, she’s still under investigation by the Tax Commissioner for failing to declare her income from the deal.

The most depressing fact is not that Cutajar abused her position.  She’s human, after all, she reminded us. It’s that when she was caught and exposed, she accused the man exposing her of lying.

She triumphantly announced during her political campaign that the truth would surface.  It has.  Instead of apologising and fading into oblivion, she’s mounting a hostile counterattack.

She can only sustain such a shameless front because Prime Minister Robert Abela continues to support her.

Abela knows her well.  He knows she’s ruthless.  “I’ll become a consultant with Pierre of ITS and pocket another wage,” she told Yorgen Fenech. And she did, earning tens of thousands of euro for doing probably nothing from a CEO who holds two CEO government positions himself.

“I don’t care; everybody’s nose in the trough,” she told Fenech.

Abela cannot afford to dump her.  He’s terrified she’ll retaliate.

He knows what the decent thing to do is. Nobody who’s behaved so appallingly should be representing any political party, not even Labour.

Yet Abela won’t do the right thing for the country, only the right thing for him.

Cutajar intends to inflict as much pain as possible on her nemesis. And she might get her way. She probably will. But that won’t change a thing.

It won’t scrub away the facts.  The country cannot forget what it now knows.

“Whoever thought he could break me was destroyed. My friends, the truth will always surface even if it takes years,” Cutajar said during her election campaign.

“I have always acted correctly, legally, and ethically… I am ready to defend my name,” Cutajar stubbornly insisted when accused of pocketing thousands in brokerage fees.

The biggest loser in this saga is not Rosianne Cutajar, a mere footnote in our political history. That title belongs to the man who keeps putting his foot in it – Robert Abela.

Cutajar’s actions weren’t an error of judgement – they’re a pattern of a morally corrupt individual’s abusive, manipulative and deceptive behaviour.

She isn’t driven by noble ideals of duty and justice. She is pure ruthless ambition, ready to destroy anybody who stands in the way of her own personal gain.

She will cheat and lie to achieve what she feels entitled to – power and wealth.

Abela knew this, yet he let her contest in Labour’s name. He even invited her to address a Labour Party event.

He appointed her president of the parliamentary health committee barely two months after her breach of ethics. He’s still defending her, further embarrassing his party and endangering the nation.

Cutajar poisoned the turbid well of Maltese politics. She’s a disgrace to the Party, the country and its parliament.

Cutajar’s immoral, ruthless ambition and incompetence are undesirable traits in an MP. Yet Robert Abela defends Cutajar in a pathetic attempt to cover up his lousy judgement.

Cutajar has no power,  Abela does. That should worry us. Abela is the real and present danger.

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1 year ago

Billi l-kirurgu b’sens ta’ integrità ma qalhiex… se ngħidha jien:
Rosianne Cutajar hija ħolqa fil-kullana tal-kriminalità ta’ Kastilja li l-pulizija messhom ilhom snin sħaħ li ressqu bi trading in influence u involviment f’tixħim. Il-provi ilhom f’idejhom u issa jinsabu f’idejn kulħadd. Għall-poplu Malti li għandu nofs kwart irkotta f’moħħu, Cutajar hi kriminal bil-provi u postha l-ħabs.

1 year ago

Absolutely spot on, she’s a horrendous extremely selfish piece of work who needs to be brought down, unfortunately Abela is under her spell, I wonder why?

Paul Berman
Paul Berman
1 year ago
Reply to  Mick

look at a couple of the photos during his early days and you will know why

1 year ago

She should be in jail, yet we have a PM that defends her at all costs. Why? Because there is more dirt that she knows about, and the PM cannot afford to abandon her, or she will talk to save her skin.

saviour mamo
saviour mamo
1 year ago

Robert Abela told us that Rosianne Cutajar already paid her price. No Mr Prime Minister she didn’t. Her chats with Yorgen Fenech leaves no option but to as for her resignation from the Labour parliamentary group.

1 year ago

This morning there was the news from the mouth of the PM, he said that there is no bigger than his party. He is ruining his reputation making cover up the corrupt criminal politicians. What does he mean by this that he is a dictator eridicted from JM to cover up the criminals. These labour politicians are false. They always speak on behalf of the acolytes and the illiterate gahan. The political offices round the island given for free by moneygold contactors, are ruining our country to Communist state. And then there will be another history to be written.

1 year ago

From the very first notice of all that was and is still going on in this Camilleri vs Cutajar case, which started with him talking about his book and the revelations he’s publishing, I always had the gut feeling that this also bears the bad taste of a vendetta.

I often wondered, given that Mr Camilleri is himself a member of the PL and due to that fact, once got the job as chairman of the NBC Malta, why has he singled out just her. When going with all the articles in the Maltese media, there are so many high ranking PLers who can’t get enough money from CEO jobs and whatelse there is to gain, and he had just her to write about.

I wouldn’t even try to defend the deeds of Ms Cutajar, she has really brought herself down in due course by her own actions and is now to face her own political demise. I rather think that certain people in some circles, as is often alleged and assumed that the mastermind behind all this is YF, have the PL in their bag as much as the PL has some others in theirs. This is where the dubious circle of ‘chums and cronies’ closes in and the network of it once again shows how dense it is and how it still works.

Seems to me, that it has always been a ‘give and take’ and one can hardly believe by now that Joseph Muscat was really that naive when he picked his close friends at the start of his career as leader of the PL and later on as PM of Malta.

Herman Meilak
Herman Meilak
1 year ago
Reply to  Thomas

You are wrong; he didn’t single out just her. Did you every follow his blog? Did you read his first book? Probably no. In October (or November) 2021 he published the WhatsApp chats between Yorgen Fenech and Edward Zammit Lewis.

1 year ago
Reply to  Herman Meilak

As a matter of fact, I had my readings on his blog from time to time in the past and I also read (parts of) his book ‘A Rent Seeker’s Paradise’. But as you suggested, I am not a daily follower of his writings. He has his opinions, he also has his way of dealing with matters and with people in particular. I am not intended to go into lengths, but I can say that my impressions stand as I said it comes across to me. There is more to the whole story than it might seem, for there are some personal facts which are also plain to be seen.

To go with the most important, firstly, the way the PL govt dismissed him as chairman of the NBC Malta, has struck a blow on him, which is quite understandable. He was, I noticed, critical to the PL govt years before, had his own ideas on how the NBC Malta would be better run and more independently, means without the ‘usual interference’ by the PL govt, as it is often claimed to be. That is a matter for insiders of the NBC who know how things work there. I am an outsider and have no idea or knowledge about them, apart from what they publish on their website which is for everybody to read.

In general, I was sympathetic with this idea of an independent NBC Malta, financed by the taxpayer because of the public task for education that is also part of council’s work. Also because political or say partisan interference has shown that it often goes at the expence of the quality of work. I have not the slightest doubt that Mark Camilleri was successful in his job as chairman of the NBC Malta. He was very committed to it and also active, apparently more than his successor of the same name appears to be. But well, these are two different characters.

Secondly, and I am really very frank and honest about what I have to say about his above mentioned book. I was used to his two books ‘A Materialist Revision of Maltese History 870 – 1919 and 1919 – 1979’, which I have read and found to be good historical works, when cutting out his Marxist references in his introduction parts, they are quite valuable. But I can’t help it, even myself being a centre-left leaning person, I can’t do with the anachronism of the Marxist ideology which is often referred to as the core of Communism and also part of the mindset of those who call themselves Socialists. I am a Social-Democrat and there is a difference between the meanings of these words. That should do.

What really disgusted me in his book ‘A Rent Seeker’s Paradise’ were the first couple of chapters. He came across like someone boasting about drug experiments, sexual experiences with an uncounted number of women which makes one think that he was or likes to be some sort of a womanizer who just changes his female partners like others change their underwear. Sorry but that’s really not my cuppa and what always upsets me are men who use women just for fun and then throw them away as if it is nothing wrong with it, not in the slightest considering what they are doing to them on an emotional level. Their suffering is totally ignored and these women are left alone to cope with all that. I really detest such characters.

You really think that I am so easy to be impressed that I take every word for granted and true that comes from a person that declines in his own standards in order to make a living for himself by publishing a book with revelations? Frankly, I didn’t finish reading this book because I didn’t take him that seriously anymore after his boasting chapters. He knew that the purchase and consumation of drugs was illegal, yet the PL govt last year legalised the growing and consumation of cannabis for private use in small quantities, announcing to establish shops where they can be bought. I am strongly against the liberation of any sort of drugs which are not for medical purpose and if they are prescribed then only by medics of pharmacists. Too many examples that show how drugs destroy the life of the consumer but also of innocent people who fall victims to drug abusers.

What I take as reliable sources are media outlets like The Shift News and the Times of Malta. That Mark Camilleri has published the WhatsApp chats was certainly a bold step forward, it brought him for a short time as it seems, some publicity and support from the civil society movement. That he went against the ruling of the courts is another thing which contrasts his action in itself. There is the contradiction between respecting the institutions and demand that they work according to the law and there is the demand from a part of the society in Malta to have the institutions work in their interests as well. That’s hard to balance, wouldn’t you agree on that? It’s either you stick with the rule of law and use the legal tools the system provides, or you ignore them and do as you please when you get the hands on material that is part of a trial in a criminal court case. There is a line to be drawn and not to cross, if you don’t like to discredit your own ideals, your own character standards and reputation when going public.

The last aspect I like to mention is, Mark Camilleri is himself a Socialist, as such as he is also an admirer of Karl Marx which he has openly confirmed to be all the time. Both parts are inseparable to him, which is the meaning of himself being a left-wing person by all means. Others may call him different things. It is his decision which ideology he has chosen for himself, fact is that this doesn’t match with the modern day PL, it rather matches with the old MLP from the past during the Mintoff era. That the civil society movement in Malta is in political terms a cross party movement which brings, more or less, people from various different ways of life together is as much a fact as to say that Repubblika, Occupy Justice and also parts of the PN, the so called ‘Blue Heros’ are either centre-right or even go towards the ultra-conservative direction.

So, you really think that people of a centre-right or right-wing political leaning would welcome a self-admitted Marxist and see with him eye to eye? I doubt that and I think that they see him as useful in order to reveal and thus get more of the dirty machinations by the PL govt. That’s all that counts in the end. Look at the other parts that are more or less with the civil society movement. The ADPD, Moviment Graffitti and other small NGOs who are rather on the political centre-left, as I can say that I have more in common with them than any other party or organisation in Malta, they might also not go confirm with his ideological stance, but that is also a matter of the individual.

Mark Camilleri has certainly more than just one axe to grind with the PL and those he considers to be responsible for the maltreatment he received. For someone who says that he’s familiar with his blog as you did, you know what this is all about.

1 year ago

“Cutajar has no power, Abela does” Abela does? THAT is very debatable. He is dancing on the end of the strings from all the crooks in government

1 year ago
Reply to  wenzu

And yet the only time the AG and Gafa decide to take action against anybody identified in all scandals down the years is when another pack of lies from one of the “ untouchables” is sufficient for a member of the judiciary to decide to shoot the messenger rather than the perpetrator.
Of course the institutions are working Prime Minister.

Gerald Lapira
Gerald Lapira
1 year ago

All this Rosianne Cutajar / Yorgen Fenech affair reminds me of “The Godfather” part 2 film where Patrick ‘Pat’ Geary was a United States Senator from Nevada who was manipulated and blackmailed by the Corleone family. For those unfamiliar with the plot he led a senate investigation against Corleone family. Geary, caught up in a prostitute’s murder incident has his back to the wall and to save his skin he states in front of the Committee:

“These hearings on the Mafia are in no way what-so-ever a slur upon the great Italian people. Because I can state from my own knowledge and experience – that Italian-Americans are among the most loyal – most law-abiding – patriotic, hard working American citizens in this land. And it would be a shame, Mr. Chairman, if we allowed a few rotten apples to bring a bad name to the whole barrel. Because from the time of the great Christopher Columbus up through the time of Enrico Fermi right up to the present day – Italian-Americans have been pioneers in building and defending our great nation. They are the salt of the earth and one of the backbones of this country.”

All sounds familiar, like when Ms. Cutajar stood up for Mr. Fenech during the Council of Europe speech in 2019.

1 year ago

This creature is truly an MLP parasite.

1 year ago
Reply to  wenzu

It is about time our country regains the dignity it once had as it has been dragged into the worst situation possible thanks to years of shady deals and lies.

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