An epidemic of fiscal mismanagement
The latest report from the National Audit Office (NAO)
You have a right to look under their carpets
Economy Minister Silvio Schembri can’t seem to keep track
Robert Abela’s Catch-22
Robert Abela has threatened to take “all possible legal
‘What happened to Daphne could happen today’
“There have not been any real reforms in Malta
The magic of making the illegal legal
Well that wasn’t much of a surprise, was it?
Consulting fees or deferred bribes?
The police say they are investigating Joseph Muscat for
A congress of clowns
Konrad Mizzi is still running out the clock, this
Someone better wake up Alex Muscat
Alex Muscat is either fast asleep or seriously deluded,
Is Angelo Gafa above the law?
Former police commissioner Lawrence Cutajar threw away the rule
Disposable foreigners and the road to riches
Jaiteh Lamin fell two storeys from a building site
Public funds for private hobbies
The government has opened the coffers of the National
Still sinking with no end in sight
Finance Ministry permanent secretary Alfred Camilleri claimed Malta would
A frenzy of coincidental spending
Tourism Minister Clayton Bartolo dished out funds to three
Malta enabled a money laundering machine
The failings of due diligence in every possible sphere
Pre-election vote buying has already begun
Finance Minister Clyde Caruana wants you to know that
Whose interests are being served?
Malta’s rusted wheels of justice have clanked and squealed
A ministry is the gift that keeps giving
Joseph Muscat is the national curse that keeps on
Strong measures to remedy the toxic situation
The long list of recommendations proposed by the report into the
No justice without accountability
Robert Abela has no intention of taking serious action
This fish rotted from the head down
There’s no proof that the government killed Daphne Caruana
Justice through the looking glass
If you want to understand the government’s intent, you
The hypocrisy he believes in
Owen Bonnici’s latest vapid waffling about ‘the Malta he
The art of laundering… art
The 13 paintings by Old Masters of the Italian
Malta chose this path in 2017
We knew the writing was on the wall when
There’s no handshake like a golden handshake
Disgraced former prime minister Joseph Muscat is the gift
Dark clouds on the horizon
Robert Abela has chosen his hill to die on.
You’re bankrolling personal fiefdoms
Robert Abela has problems on his hands, and they’re
It’s time to interrogate Paul Apap Bologna
Paul Apap Bologna has a secret offshore company called
Does Neville Gafa live in the Libyan embassy?
Neville Gafa was “operating under Libyan jurisdiction” when he
Glenn Bedingfield swallowed his shoe
Poor Glenn Bedingfield got slapped down. Even Anglu Farrugia

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