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Urging Businesses to Join The Shift News’ Corporate Democratic Responsibility Programme
Corruption in Government and Procurement Practices Undermines Fair Companies
Corruption within government and procurement practices has far-reaching implications for companies that operate with integrity and adhere to fair business practices. The scourge of corruption disrupts a level playing field and undermines the efforts of honest businesses in several ways; it distorts market competition by granting undue advantages to companies that engage in bribery or favoritism, leading to an unfair disadvantage for those who play by the rules.
Secondly, corrupt practices often result in substandard and overpriced goods and services being procured, leading to inefficient allocation of tax payer funded resources and hindering economic growth. Moreover, the continued erosion of trust in government institutions and the perception of a corrupt business environment can deter potential investors, making it harder for clean companies to thrive.
It is crucial to address this issue collectively, and The Shift News calls upon businesses to join our Corporate Democratic Responsibility Programme to combat corruption and foster a fair and transparent business climate.
The Shift News appeals to companies that share our values and possess a social conscience – we understand that businesses committed to operating ethically and responsibly face significant challenges when corruption prevails. Our Corporate Democratic Responsibility Program provides an opportunity for these like-minded companies and organisations to actively contribute to combating corruption.
By lending us your support, companies can amplify their impact and work towards a more transparent, accountable, and fair business environment.
Through our journalistic work, we advocate for stronger anti-corruption measures. By supporting The Shift News’ journalistic work, businesses committed to integrity and fairness can ensure that their interests align with our mission to expose corruption, help to protect their investments, and promote a level playing field that benefits all ethical players in the business arena.