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Disinformation Watch
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Lassana Cisse’s family calls on Maltese government to send their son’s body home, 3 years later
The family of Lassana Cisse, a 42-year-old man from
The Shift Team
April 6, 2022 18:39
New tax commissioner also refuses to explain inaction on prime minister’s Zejtun property
Inland Revenue Commissioner Joseph Caruana, who replaced Marvin Gaerty
The Shift Team
April 4, 2022 16:27
Donkeys of us all
Let’s give Rosianne Cutajar her due. After she failed
Ranier Fsadni
April 3, 2022 08:10
Robert Abela’s cabinet to cost €100 million
Malta is again set to register a new EU
The Shift Team
April 2, 2022 11:49
Maltese reporter abandons Russian news agency over Ukraine war
Former Lovin Malta reporter Sam Vassallo’s brief position at
Caroline Muscat
Joanna Demarco
April 2, 2022 10:00
Disgraced assistant police commissioner still on half pay
Ian Abdilla, the disgraced assistant commissioner of police who
The Shift Team
April 2, 2022 08:41
A window into Mario Azzopardi’s dark, dark soul
Before I read the script for Mario Azzopardi’s foul
Blanche Gatt
April 1, 2022 08:16
Malta listed as ‘inactive’ country on Open Government Partnership platform
Following initial warnings from the Open Government Partnership (OGP)
Julian Delia
March 31, 2022 12:52
Portelli hotel handed another €0.5 million from public funds three days before election
Gozitan construction magnate Joseph Portelli was the recipient of
The Shift Team
March 29, 2022 16:09
Election 2022: Out with the old, in with the new
Parliament will look very different in a few weeks’
The Shift Team
March 28, 2022 17:26
Traditional parties in difficulty as Labour endorsed by less than half voting population
While Labour celebrates its third consecutive victory at the
The Shift Team
March 28, 2022 12:41
Interpreting the signal, ignoring the noise
This piece has been written while we know it’s
Ranier Fsadni
March 27, 2022 13:26
Not-so-silent day: social media, Google ads flooded with propaganda on ‘day of reflection’
Labour Leader and Prime Minister Robert Abela is at
Julian Delia
March 25, 2022 14:13
OPM rejects FOI requests, insists that it has ‘nothing’ on Joseph Muscat’s severance package
The Office of the Prime Minister has stonewalled The
Caroline Muscat
March 25, 2022 07:33
Lanqas id-disprezz ma ħaqqu
Read this article in English here. Kemm ġew jiswew
Kevin Cassar
March 24, 2022 13:49
Id-Dipartiment tat-Taxxi Interni lill-assessuri tiegħu ma bagħathomx jeżaminaw il-propjetà ODZ tal-PM li fuqha ddikjara prezz imnaqqas ħafna
Read in English Jista’ jagħti l-każ li l-Kummissarju huwa
Caroline Muscat
March 24, 2022 10:45
Inland Revenue failed to send tax assessors to PM’s ‘undervalued’ ODZ property
Tista’ taqra bil-Malti Former Inland Revenue Commissioner Marvin Gaerty
Caroline Muscat
March 24, 2022 10:41
Farmer Chloe gets second ODZ store after Portelli-Abela dinner
Tista’ taqra bil-Malti Chloe Portelli, the daughter of Gozitan
The Shift Team
March 24, 2022 08:16
L-ispiża għar-rallies tal-aħħar tal-Labour se titħallas mit-taxxi tagħna
Read the English version Anton Attard, li kien il-kap
The Shift Team
March 23, 2022 19:14
Beneath contempt – Kevin Cassar
Tista’ taqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti hawn. What was the
Kevin Cassar
March 23, 2022 17:23
Taxpayers to foot bill for Labour’s final mass rallies
Tista’ taqra bil-Malti Labour’s extravagant final electoral events at
The Shift Team
March 23, 2022 11:08
Foregone conclusions – Jacques René Zammit
This article is an analysis of a future electoral
Jacques René Zammit
March 23, 2022 06:44
Fid-dikjarazzjoni tat-taxxa, Abela ma jsemmix id-dħul mill-kera lir-Russi
Read the article in English here. Fid-dikjarazzjoni tal-assi tiegħu
The Shift Team
March 22, 2022 16:52
Gozo Minister employs Labour stalwart to support campaign, paid by taxpayers
A move by Gozo Minister Clint Camilleri to put
The Shift Team
March 22, 2022 08:32
Abela evades Russian rent income in his declarations
Tista’ taqra l-artiklu bil-Malti hawn. None of the thousands
The Shift Team
March 21, 2022 11:05
The pact of oblivion
Tista’ taqrah bil-Malti. “Let’s not disturb graves and hurl
Kevin Cassar
March 21, 2022 07:29
Labour can’t deliver a clean-up or stability
Repeat after me Labour’s electoral message: Malta needs Labour
Ranier Fsadni
March 20, 2022 08:45
Il-Kummissarju tat-Taxxi Interni jibqa’ ma jgħid xejn u l-aġenti tal-propjetà jiskantaw kif il-propjetà fiż-Żejtun, il-PM xtraha bi prezz daqshekk baxx
Read the article in English here. Il-Kummissarju tat-Taxxi Interni
Caroline Muscat
March 20, 2022 07:30
Taxman silent as real estate agents raise PM’s purchase of ‘grossly undervalued’ Zejtun property
Tista’ taqra bil-Malti The Commissioner of Inland Revenue is
Caroline Muscat
March 19, 2022 09:36
150 direct orders, €3.5 million, in 6-month Water Services Corporation bonanza
The Water Services Corporation (WSC), under the guidance of
The Shift Team
March 18, 2022 10:26
Page 44 of 147
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Opinion: Time is running out
Kevin Cassar
Opinion: Labour’s great strides
Kevin Cassar
Opinion: That’s not fraud
Kevin Cassar
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