Lawyers of Keith Schembri, Rosianne Cutajar get film commission retainer
Lawyers defending the disgraced former prime minister’s chief of
Rosianne’s chats: How power and business took over Castille
As the country reels from 2,200 text messages sent
Saviour Balzan’s transparency
“I have no problem being transparent,” Saviour Balzan declared
Vitals-Stewards deal enablers shirk responsibility, like the politicians
A review of Mr Justice Francesco Depasquale’s judgement confirming
Imprison Joseph Muscat and accomplices, Repubblika demands
NGO Repubblika is calling for the imprisonment of former
Abela slammed for €300 million hospitals swindle, PM passes the buck to Muscat
The Nationalist opposition this evening called upon the Labour
Thousands more in direct orders for Keith Schembri and Vincent Marmara
The University of Malta and the Malta Gaming Authority
Dodgy dealings: Muscat, Mizzi, a SOCAR president and a $22 million mansion
The son of the SOCAR president who dealt with
Keith Schembri back on government’s direct order gravy train despite charges
After a brief pause in the wake of his
Binance: ‘compliance shortcomings’ in Malta years as US issues subpoenas
Binance chief strategy officer Patrick Hillmann has admitted in
Christmas carolling with The Shift
‘Twas the night before Christmas, and down at The
Greenwash: BCRS being labelled an economic and environmental scam
The new Beverage Container Refund Scheme (BCRS) announced on
‘No longer fit and proper’: Zenith directors barred from financial services
Matthew Pace and Lorraine Falzon of Zenith Finance infamy
Saviour Balzan gets four slots on TVM as Labour retains control on current affairs
The latest Television Malta schedule published recently is once
Melvin Theuma’s refusal to testify
Melvin Theuma has refused to testify against the men
Magistrate Lia defends lawyer Lia
Magistrate Nadine Lia is digging her heels in. She’s
Getting away with murder
Another 16th has come. Next month marks five years
The fugitive who’s not a fugitive
When is a fugitive not a fugitive? Magistrate Donatella
REVEALED: Konrad Mizzi’s secret agreement with Azerbaijan’s SOCAR
Tista’ taqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti hawn. Before today, this
Muscat’s explanations still don’t add up
Five years ago today, a second and final test
Why Abela’s done nothing
Why has Robert Abela completely ignored all the recommendations
Fishermen’s cooperative leadership set to be axed following investigation
Tista’ taqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti hawn Following an eight-month
Widespread shock after death of Attorney General’s prosecutor
Shock is being expressed across the country after 43-year-old
Concerns on ‘impunity afforded’ to Muscat, Schembri, Mizzi – LIBE Committee report
Updated to include debate at the European Parliament MEPs
Opposition MP publishes secret agreement between Keith Schembri and AUM’s Sadeen Group
Updated to include Karol Aquilina’s statement During a stormy
Insight into conclusions of Pilatus Bank inquiry as Repubblika files judicial protest
A judicial protest has been filed this morning by
Schembri qed jiffaċċja proċeduri fil-Qorti dwar taxxa mhux imħallsa
Read this article in English here. Skont ittra ġudizzjarja
Schembri faces court action over unpaid taxes
Tista’ taqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti hawn. Keith Schembri, the
L-ex Avukat Ġenerali diżonorat Peter Grech jinħatar konsulent tal-ministru tal-ġustizzja
Read the article in English here. Peter Grech kien

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